TV Interview with chief of German police union – IOTW Report

TV Interview with chief of German police union

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Chief of German Police Union tells it like it is, regarding the muslim refugees. Watch the Video @ Vlad Tepes

11 Comments on TV Interview with chief of German police union

  1. Yet another reason why I love Trump. He see that this is happening here as well and is willing to lead us to DO SOMETHING about it.

    There is nothing RACIST in protecting your home and future. There is nothing RACIST in saying that Americans, ALL Americans, have not only the right but the responsibility to determine our own course.

    Black, white, brown, yellow, or red, we AMERICANS better wake the fuck up and assume the mantle of leadership again.

    Because there’s an old saying.

    You don’t shit where you eat.

    And it’s getting pretty damn shitty up in here.

    And there is another old saying, too.

    If you aren’t the lead dog, the view never changes.

  2. Merkel’s end is near. This stupidity of hers on this is just hastening it. The citizenry has as little interest in taking the “dhimmi” route as the Nazi* route.

    * an amusing book: “Look Who’s Back” by Vermes

  3. This interview is brilliant! apolitical, kind, advocating for the rule of law, but acknowledging that the rule of law can’t/won’t be enforced.

    There are lessons here for America. I hope we heed them.

    …Lady in Red

  4. Gosh, I wonder what would happen if a Germanic people were abused past the point of tolerance?

    Looks like we’re about to find out, though, you could – if so inclined – merely look to history for enlightenment.

  5. I was speaking to a retired police supervisor from NYC that is a consultant to the German Federal Police. He teaches/lectures on investigative techniques. Surprisingly, he the German constitution is very similar to ours and very strong on protecting religious freedom.

    He speaks German and has been associated with their police commanders since the early 90s. He says they don’t believe this a serious problem right now. These savages have not traveled to the interior of the country so most of them think it’s not something they can’t handle. They are concentrated in the states close to the border. Apparently the union guys get it but the politicians and commanders are delusional, as are most of the kraut citizens.

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