Tweet of the Day – IOTW Report

Tweet of the Day

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20 Comments on Tweet of the Day

  1. Good visual why twitter leaves me cold. Two identical, I guess, ‘tweets’, with things in blue that look like instructions for the client software that handles the interaction, or twits, or thread or whatever the hell twitter spews.

    The whole damn format looks like an early beta of a poor implementation of text paging.

  2. The one who is laughing is Jeb Bush. Notice he is in 3rd place in South Carolina. If Trump takes Cruz out it will be less a murder and more of a murder/suicide. And waiting to pick up the lead will be Jeb.

  3. Seriously, is this, #GodBlessUSA

    as a block of text useful to you?

    I know I’m very likely presenting as an asshole. But I shove programming around way down in the guts of digital devices.

    But when I want those things to communicate with a human I make them speak English in readily comprehensible formats. I’ll never show you as an end user “WpXNh8CRMt”.

    Why would anyone?

  4. Boy, even when I play by Fur’s rules I get attacked. I give up. Shoot the messenger boys. Go ahead. I despise Jeb. You think his being in 3rd place in SC makes me happy? I think it might be time to take a break from iotw for a while. Maybe until after November.

  5. “Looks like the point is the photo as well as the former comment.”

    The point IS the “former comment”? Is this the twitter version of a “thumbs up”? You just quote it? Does the quote imply implicit agreement?

    My apologies for putting this all up here but I actually am ignorant of this particular medium (twitter) and you guys seem to be familiar with it.

    Any other forum I’d not be likely to ask such, but I like the folks here and figured they might give me a clue.

  6. No I think it’s a weird way to communicate also and I don’t know why all the alphabet soup text is there either, just looks like clutter but I think the photo is the response instead of text.
    I also don’t get twitter or tweet so it’s just a guess.

  7. It’s just a link Lowell. It’s just a way to connect to another tweet or another location. All links look weird if you see the actual addresses, as you probably know. I expect Twitter can’t be asked to translate all those location into English.

  8. No riverlife don’t give up we need you and your input. The more of us there are the stronger we are, hang in there we’re within reach of turning this country around.

  9. I don’t do Twitter either, but I think the post is pretty self-explanatory. Conservatives aren’t going to get ANYWHERE if we keep eating our own and complaining about trivia. Talk about being boneheaded. Geez. Some of you people give me a headache.

  10. Lowell, I’m not an expert at Twitter, but there is a search box where you put in the #GodBlessUSA. When you click enter, it brings up all the tweets related to that “hashtag”.

    The is a link to the picture because sometimes the picture is too big to see all of it when you are looking at the Twitter page.

  11. The “MT” indicated that it is retweeting another tweet and making a modification to it – Modified Tweet -…in this case the image, I think. If no modification was made, it would say “RT” for retweet. I’m no Twitter expert but this is what I have gleaned. The #Godblessamerica is a hashtag that people can search on.

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