Twitter SJWs go after teen over her prom dress – IOTW Report

Twitter SJWs go after teen over her prom dress

Dangerous: The cult of recreational outrage was in full swing over the weekend ignited by a high school student’s prom dress.

A Twitter user by the name of Keziah uploaded photographs dressed in her prom outfit, which was a cheongsam, or a Chinese-style dress. Though a fairly innocuous photoset, the tweet caught the ire of another Twitter user Jeremy Lam, who furiously responded that his culture was NOT someone’s prom dress.

Garnering over 160,000 likes, the Twitter Cult of Outrage™ descended upon the high school student for her transgression of “culturally appropriating” the Chinese garment.  

Though bombarded with hate and accusations of being casually racist the 18-year-old who just wanted to enjoy her prom night in a nice dress stood firm against the abuse.

She tweeted “It’s a f@cking dress. And it’s beautiful.”

Ironically, internet sleuths found that Lam, the original harasser, wasn’t the paragon of “woke” virtue as he made himself appear to be, as old and controversial tweets were soon discovered. Keep Reading

26 Comments on Twitter SJWs go after teen over her prom dress

  1. Somebody needs to nab Mr. Lam, tie him down, prop his eyelids open with toothpicks and make him watch “The World of Susie Wong” on continuous loop until he OD’s on outrage.

  2. When I’m in the mall and see the East meets West stores, am I missing the sign that says “Asians only – No Cultural Appropriations allowed”

    The other night for dinner I called the local Chinese restaurant for an order. Am I guilty of cultural stereotyping since I assumed the Chinese restaurant would only serve Chinese food?

  3. How small and inconsequential this person must be.
    Dude, get a life off Twatter, I thought Orientals were supposed to be smart and inscrutable.
    You’re clearly an ignorant, racist, asshole, for all to see and understand.

  4. Her dress is gorgeous and I’m SO glad she refused to back down. Good on her!

    I loved the responses to his newfound wokeness, including one that was something like, “Yeah you grew a lot of wisdom since January.” And he’s still so woke that he has a pinned tweet singling out white people because they add a “b” when they hear his name. LOL, some of the responses to that are priceless also.

  5. Etymology Lesson:

    Culture: From Latin “cultura” basically meaning the intellectual side of civilization.

    Appropriate: From Latin “appropriatio” meaning to take as one’s own.

    So… The term “cultural appropriation” itself is a fucking cultural appropriation because there isn’t a goddamn civilization on Earth speaking Latin anymore. So only a goddamn moron would use such a term as a pejorative with a straight face.

    The fact is that cultural appropriation started the first time one tribe of humans met another tribe of humans over 250,000 years ago, and has been continuing non-stop ever since. That’s what Culture is. Goddamn fucktarded progressives make me want to vomit.

  6. I’m going to burn all my oriental rugs tomorrow.

    I’m never eating ramen noodles again.

    I’m never going to play CHOPSTICKS again on the piano.



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