Type Liar.com into your browser – IOTW Report

Type Liar.com into your browser

Nice job.

16 Comments on Type Liar.com into your browser

  1. Not only the justine angle but liar.com taking you to wikipedia is telling. trudeau is Canada’s problem. I wish our brethren to the north the best of luck and pray that the fbi/doj don’t pull a Waco event at the border…. talk about the shot heard round the world…

  2. And Fauci is the ground hog, one day he sees his shadow, the next day he doesn’t, over and over ad infinitum. OMG, we’re all gonna die from COVID because of the unproven science. What a bunch of malarkey, a lot of us have fallen for this bs and have become willing to sell our God given freedoms for a few scraps from the gubmint table. I one for one will not participate in their madness, I’ve been mad as hell and not gonna take it for 2 years now. END IT NOW, IT’S ALL A DAMNED LIE! It’s just after 1 AM and I’m awake because I had to get up to answer natures call and when nature calls you better answer the phone.

  3. wiki is a leftist platform so kudo’s to whomever pulled this off. It will get scrubbed as soon as the wiki staff get out of bed and drink their Starbucks. I’ll guess around noon, central time.


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