U.S. House Clerk Announces Nancy Pelosi Gets Served Subpoena in Third-Party Criminal Case in California (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

U.S. House Clerk Announces Nancy Pelosi Gets Served Subpoena in Third-Party Criminal Case in California (VIDEO)

GP: United States House Clerk Tylease Alli announced Rep. Nancy Pelosi was served a subpoena in a third-party criminal case in California.

House Clerk Tylease Alli read a letter from Pelosi on the House floor which said “I the honorable Nancy Pelosi the Representative of the 11th Congressional District of California have been served with third party subpoenas.”

Alli continued reading the subpoenas, “From the prosecution and defendant to produce documents in a criminal case in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.” more

8 Comments on U.S. House Clerk Announces Nancy Pelosi Gets Served Subpoena in Third-Party Criminal Case in California (VIDEO)

  1. manbearpig
    THURSDAY, 2 NOVEMBER 2023, 9:40 AT 9:40 AM
    “It always grates on me when I see these politicians referred to as “the honorable””

    All speak is opposite meaning in Commieland.

  2. I was thinking that this case went silent to keep her husband from being exposed as a faggot. Paul got himself into a ringer there, from a DUI to entertaining a gay prostitute. Whadda soap opera!

  3. Thats it, Johnson is going after your big guy. We don’t have a chance in Hell & by all means we done need or have any proof, but our loser asses just can’t wait till Amercia voats our Jutas Prist lying butts out the door come Nov 11.

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