Ukraine Consulates Abroad Cease Providing Services for Military-Aged Men – IOTW Report

Ukraine Consulates Abroad Cease Providing Services for Military-Aged Men

GP: As the war in Ukraine runs into its third year with relentless advances by the Russian Federation forces, Kiev is running low on almost everything: air defenses, planes, missiles, artillery, tanks, and last but not least, people.

Almost a million military-age males have fled the Ukrainian territory seeking to avoid military service which has become in many ways a death sentence, as Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu has stated that Kiev’s human losses have topped half a million troops.

Now, Ukraine has started to resort to radical moves, as they suspended consular services for military-age male citizens abroad. more

6 Comments on Ukraine Consulates Abroad Cease Providing Services for Military-Aged Men

  1. If I was of military age in Ukraine I would be looking to get the Hell out of Ukraine (Dodge) as fast and in anyway that I could. They’ve wasted a half million as cannon fodder in just 2 years. They don’t have a whole lot left that are stupid enough to want to die young in a losing cause. And yet we continue to fund their sorry asses with additional wasted billions of American dollars which is a total mistake.

  2. Now is not the time to call for a cease fire as they have yet to reach the precipice. There are still $$ BILLIONS $$ of American taxpayer dollars for congress to fleece from us. Joe and Mike will tell us when enough is enough.
    FJB / FMJ

  3. Check little C@CK S#CKER “Z”s off shore bank accounts to see how the War is Going.

    Then ask Joey Shitpants if the Brittney Griner for Viktor Bout swap was worth it.

  4. This may have something to do with Ukrainian “police” being in Rome, GA, as was reported here yesterday. I suspect that Ukrainian “police” are in a lot of places outside Ukraine right now. And I wonder what these Ukrainian “police” are going to do when they are called home to go to the front.

  5. Considering how corrupt Ukraine was/is the people in exile probably can get excellent forgeries of any necessary documents they need.

    The fact that Russia is bogged down for three years in Ukraine, undermines the fearmongering that Russia will conquer Europe next. Russia seems more like WWII Italy rather than WWII Germany.

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