Unexplained deep space signal discovered repeating with a peculiar rhythm – IOTW Report

Unexplained deep space signal discovered repeating with a peculiar rhythm

I hope it doesn’t sound like Progressive Country music.

CNET: A mysterious fast radio burst on the other side of the cosmos is buzzing Earth with a strange cadence.

Fast radio bursts, strange, sometimes-repeating signals from the other side of the cosmos, remain one of the universe’s great mysteries. Detectors on Earth pick up these signals and then, in a flash, they’re gone forever — and astronomers aren’t sure where they come from. But as the amount of radio bursts discovered continue to stack up, astronomers are beginning to discover more and more about them.

The fast radio burst FRB 180916.J0158+65, discovered in 2018 and pinpointed to a spiral galaxy approximately 500 million light-years away, was examined over a period of 13 months and found to repeat with a highly regular rhythm — the first time astronomers have seen a deep space signal act in such a way. read more

h/t Jerry, Jerry…Jerry!

45 Comments on Unexplained deep space signal discovered repeating with a peculiar rhythm

  1. Nah, I’ve got it cracked:

    And they’re coming to take me away ha-haaa
    They’re coming to take me away ho-ho hee-hee ha-haaa
    To the funny farm
    Where life is beautiful all the time
    And I’ll be happy to see those nice young men
    In their clean white coats
    And they’re coming to take me away ha-haaa

  2. Use of the word “alien” is hate speech. 90% of the explanations have therefore been disregarded and those making such allegations are facing 20 to life in prison.

    On a more educational note: After thorough examination by AOC, a lead world and universe scientist, it has 100% positively been deciphered as other intelligent non-binary beings informing us that Earth’s white man-made climate is destroying the entire universe. That includes, like, other civilizations and things. AOC states the signals stressed emphasis on “white man” in white man-made climate change and strongly suggests only black and brown government hired women could reverse course to save the universe.

  3. Horatio, went to see them on their Delicate Sound of Thunder tour. Had to think hard about it as they wanted the outrageous sum of $25 a ticket. Can’t even get a shirt for twice that at a concert now.

  4. pinpointed to a spiral galaxy approximately 500 million light-years away

    It’s The Notorious RBG’s parents!

    ‘Cause I’ve seen blue skies
    Through the tears in my eyes
    And I realize I’m going home

  5. Its the same thing that happened in “Frequency” radio signals from years long gone by have circled back to earth and we can pickup our old radio and TV transmissions. It was some foul up with the aurora borealis and the space and time continuum. It all worked out, so stop loading your guns and have another beer.

  6. Horatio Prim, the best Pink Floyd album is Umma Gumma. My best friend and I played that to death back in the early 70’s. Especially the track with the guy chasing and swatting a fly. And of course Several species of small furry animals gathered together in a cave and grooving with a pict.

  7. @Different Tim and Geoff the Aardvark – came late to the live show party, saw them for the Momentary Lapse of Reason.

    They were also part of a great song set at Light Year/Laserium at Hayden Planetarium, that was in about 77’ish prior to the above album.

    Best album is a tough one! Meddle or Animals I suppose.

    Check out the album Clapton did with Waters.

  8. The confounding thing with FRBs is that any process we know of that could produce such an absurdly powerful radio signal would produce the signal all over the EM spectrum. But FRBs don’t.

    Formation of a neutron star or black hole? Supernovae are also very bright all over the EM spectrum and visible for weeks or months.
    Matter falling into a black hole? Also very bright in the IR band.
    Merging neutron stars? Gamma ray band.
    Starquake on a neutron star or magnetar? UV-Gamma.

    There is simply no known process that can produce only radio band emissions on that scale. Which is precisely why it’s so interesting. We’re about to learn something completely new.

  9. Sturge, not to mention such precise periodicity! Has anyone done the math on the absolute power level of the signal especially since we’re receiving it clearly at 500+ light years? (Granted, those radio telescopes have extraordinary receivers.)

    How about two magnetars in close orbit being perturbed by a third body making close approach periodic? BAM! Periodic sparks with galactic power!

  10. “… and pinpointed to a spiral galaxy approximately 500 million light-years away.”

    Now, how did we triangulate that? “Pinpointed” and “approximately” don’t seem to go together – but maybe I just don’t understand Astro-Physics (which I don’t).
    May be that other Biden calling for his cut?
    Maybe it’s all the money that disappeared from the TARP, SNAP, Cash for Clunkers, ACORN, Tuition Relief, and Shovel-Ready Programs?

    Maybe its a “voice crying in the wilderness?”

    Gee, which is closer? Florida or a spiral galaxy 500 million light years away?
    Well, can you SEE Florida? DUH!

    izlamo delenda est …

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