US Energy Dept joins FBI in assessment that Covid leaked from Chinese lab after ‘new intelligence’ – IOTW Report

US Energy Dept joins FBI in assessment that Covid leaked from Chinese lab after ‘new intelligence’

PM: The Covid pandemic likely began because of a leak from a Chinese laboratory, concluded the US Energy Department in a recent classified intelligence report.

The Wall Street Journal reports, “The Energy Department’s conclusion is the result of new intelligence and is significant because the agency has considerable scientific expertise and oversees a network of US national laboratories, some of which conduct advanced biological research.”

On CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said he “can’t confirm or deny” the intelligence report. MORE

17 Comments on US Energy Dept joins FBI in assessment that Covid leaked from Chinese lab after ‘new intelligence’

  1. Why the DOE?
    I suspect this is how they will try to trickle the info to the public that it truly was what many people believed right from the beginning. Don’t forget our tax dollars funded all of it.

  2. What difference does it make now? China and Fauci were in on it, and they used Trump as the catalyst to inject the world with poison. There will always be a sucker to get in line for a free piece of pizza, or an ice cream cone. Then I think about the goodie two shoes who boasted about flattening the curve. LMAO! Only thing you flattened was your life span. Never forget “Operation Warp Speed,” it killed millions, injured millions, and made the pharmaceuticals rich.

  3. @Jethro,
    FEBRUARY 27, 2023 AT 8:53 AM

    I concur, great assessment, this is classic Clinton “innoculation” by slowly dribbling out the facts (admitting to) to diffuse the rage.

    I think President Trump was played on Operation Warp Speed, rather than his being a malefactor like Fauci. I’m not sure history will be as kind.

  4. l̶e̶a̶k̶e̶d̶ released intentionally and specifically to undermine US Presidential elections and kill US Citizens and destroy the US economy at the command of highly placed Communist officials in the US Government in collusion with their Chinese counterparts

  5. Jethro, the DOE was also one of the infamous “intelligence Agencies” which determined the Trump had colluded with Russia. IOW, more political bullshit for a deep state agenda.

    It has been theorized, and I don’t dismiss it out of hand, that covid was unleashed on China (and Iran) as a bioweapon from the US. Since the US tried to blame Russia for blowing up their own pipeline, I could totally see our deep state trying to blame China for unleashing covid on themselves and everyone else.

  6. Why did we have labs in Ukraine??? Why are we financing any bio-labs outside the US where they can’t be investigated or checked? Why can’t we tell just where our tax dollars are wasted and tossed to the wind??? Why doesn’t Washington have anything but shaky answers??? Why are we paying any staff that are working in them?? Will the next lab leak be the end of mankind?? Is that silence I sense??

  7. ^^^ “… dribbling out the facts (admitting to) to diffuse the rage.”

    ‘old news’

    ‘what difference does it make now?’

    ‘look- a squirrel!’

  8. Wait a second!
    What is this “US Energy Department”?
    Did the original publisher of the story screw up the DOE’s name, or is it some fake agency created to produce “misinformation”?


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