Utley – IOTW Report



2 Comments on Utley

  1. But running into Giant’s catcher Buster Posey and breaking his leg is okay. Trust me. I have heard so much crap about how it was okay to run into Posey — “it’s part of the game!” Bullshit.

    I don’t care what position you are playing on the field. If you are a runner, you are required to slide in a manner that will insure the safety of defensive player. If a runner can barrel into the catcher like Dick Butkus making a tackle, then I can fucking well do it to the second baseman while he’s trying to get me out.

    As far as I’m concerned, if you slide into any defensive player and cause an injury, you take up a spot on your team’s disabled list for as long as the player you injured is out. If he has to give up the sport, so do you. Take off the under-roos, put on your big boy underwear, AND PLAY THE SPORT LIKE THE PROFESSIONAL YOU CLAIM TO BE.

    Please don’t start with bullshit about pitchers throwing bean balls and whatnot. Fuck that. We’re talking about runners barreling and sliding into defensive players to break up a play. It is either okay or it is not. Pick one, and there is no door number 3.


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