Vegans Warned “B12” Deficiency Is Real – IOTW Report

Vegans Warned “B12” Deficiency Is Real


Doctors have warned vegans to take the danger of vitamin B12 deficiency seriously – or potentially risk nerve damage, irreversible numbness and degeneration of the spinal cord.

The warning comes ahead of Veganuary, when more people take up the plant-based diet for the first month of the year.

Doctors are concerned many see the dangers of B12 deficiency associated with a vegan diet as a “myth” and urged them to read up on how to ensure they get enough of the vitamin if they continue past the first month. More

23 Comments on Vegans Warned “B12” Deficiency Is Real

  1. The human digestive system and metabolism work best with an omnivorous diet. It is possible to remain healthy and strong on a vegan diet, but it takes knowledge and discipline. Those are traits somewhat rare among vegan faddists.

  2. Sperm and its seminal fluid have been used as everything from a facial beauty serum to a health tonic. Mix up 24 percent protein with healthy amounts of vitamin B-12, potassium, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and copper and it sounds like the recipe for a super-powered protein shake. But it’s also precisely what you’ll find when you explore sperm nutrition.

  3. Years ago, when I worked at a wildlife rehab clinic, there were a few vegans on staff. They all had the same appearance – pasty pale skin, matted greasy hair, reeked of patchouli and always sickly looking. In fact, they always had a case of the “sniffles” as they called it. They always spouted off how much they knew about staying healthy but they never looked the part. Ironic, don’t you think?

  4. My my, I see most of the commenters have bought into decades of the billions spent by the various beef & dairy associations telling you that their products are necessary for good health. Fine with me, keep eating feed lot beef and washing it down with milk. Funny how some of you disparage vegans for their “pasty” appearance while filling your body with animal flesh that has been raised on mountains of soy and antibiotics.

    BTW any stereotypical image of a person eating a plant based diet doesn’t come anywhere near myself. Check out a movie called Game Changer, world class athletes including the world’s strongest man are vegans.

    Every vegetarian I know including myself, knows full well of the importance of B vitamins. Are there some that don’t? Sure but their numbers pale in comparison to the rampant idiocy of millions of people that think they can flood their bloodstream daily with animal fats for decades and their arteries & heart will just shrug that shit off.

    When you eat animal flesh your digestive system dumps the fat into your blood making the walls of your arteries as well as your blood cells “sticky” and prone to accumulating plaque which restricts blood flow and makes your heart work harder. 24 fookin’ hours a day. It adds up kids.

    Why the fuck are CHD and diabetes’ rates skyrocketing? 340,000 coronary bypass operations a year? And you think that’s fucking normal?? Wake the fuck up.

    You’re just like REgressives when it comes to people choosing to eat a plant based diet in that it’s not enough for you to say to each their own. You have the need to ridicule when in fact you’re the idiots.

    Again, fine with me, take a PLAC and get back to me.

  5. Veganism also leads to long babbling postings of incoherent bullshit.
    340,000 bypass operations are due primarily to the sedentary lifestyles some lead.
    It’s salt pork for breakfast, dinner, and supper for me.

  6. Children 0-3 need MEAT BASED PROTEIN for brain development, in which those chemicals are not found in other alternative proteins.

    Vegetarian / Veganism is child abuse.

  7. “You’re just like REgressives when it comes to people choosing to eat a plant based diet in that it’s not enough for you to say to each their own. You have the need to ridicule when in fact you’re the idiots.”

    Wrong Einstein. Out of the five vegans I worked with, three of them were constantly dropping hints how we shouldn’t eat meat and why. Just like religious zealots, they felt the need to shove their beliefs down our throats.

    Also, to me, there was a big difference between vegetarians and vegans. The vegetarians would once in a while eat shrimp, fish and chicken. They felt they needed some protein. They never looked as sickly as the vegans. I’m only commenting on what I experienced on a weekly basis for nearly a decade.

  8. Typical responses and again, fine with me. Your experience is called anecdotal for a reason Chuckie.

    Protein is easily & readily available with a plant based diet. And blowing off 340,000 bypass operations? Again fine with me. The evidence is indisputable, every study, EVERY STUDY I’ve read or read about flatly states CHD is virtually nonexistent in people eating a plant based diet. Further those with CHD including people literally scheduled for surgery, have actually been able to reverse the effects of eating animal fat.

    We all easily discern the lies that pour out of our fake news media but yet when I tell you the beef and dairy industry use similar tactics and spend billions of dollars promoting their products while at the same time CHD, diabetes and obesity rates continue to skyrocket, for whatever reason you’re not making the connection.

    Maybe you’re too young to remember how the tobacco industry followed exactly the same plan to obfuscate evidence for several decades AFTER it was indisputably proven that smoking caused a number of diseases including lung cancer.

    Like I said, take a PLAC and get back to me.

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