VICTORY – Covid vaccine passports scrapped for winter by Boris Johnson – IOTW Report

VICTORY – Covid vaccine passports scrapped for winter by Boris Johnson

Sunday Times-

Boris Johnson will announce this week that he is scrapping plans that would have required vaccine passports for entry to nightclubs, cinemas and sports grounds.

On Tuesday, the prime minister will announce plans to try to keep Covid under control over the winter. He will say that he has abandoned the proposed compulsory certification scheme, which would have forced venues to check people’s vaccine status.

Johnson tore up the proposals after scientists said vaccinations would be an effective first line of defence against a winter wave of the pandemic. But the move also represents a significant concession to Tory backbench rebels who had complained that enforcing vaccine passports would create a group of second-class citizens.


Companies that already demand proof of vaccination will be

5 Comments on VICTORY – Covid vaccine passports scrapped for winter by Boris Johnson

  1. Thas mighty white a him!
    English are worse than the French and Italians combined.

    From “Rule Britannia!” to “Suck Britannia!”

    A nation of cowards and lickspittles. I guess the two World Wars wiped out Britain’s manhood – and left it with only sissies and back-benchers.

    izlamo delenda est …


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