Video: Man Cries Tears of Joy for Low Black Unemployment Under Trump – IOTW Report

Video: Man Cries Tears of Joy for Low Black Unemployment Under Trump

Breitbart:An African-American man named Henry Davis uploaded a video of himself crying tears of joy for the state of the economy under President Donald Trump.

After describing some of Trump’s economic accomplishments, Davis recalled how a black woman named Celia Griffin praised Trump during a speech at the Foxconn factory in Wisconsin.

“He had this black lady come up there and give a little speech about how her life has changed because of some of his accomplishments,” he said. “I’m just so proud, I’m just proud to be an American.”

“I’m just crying because I’m just — I’m like it’s a good time to be alive. And to be able to witness what’s really going on. And we got a chance — I’m just talking about from a black perspective. If you really want to work and get up off your a** and do something, you can do it.”  more here

8 Comments on Video: Man Cries Tears of Joy for Low Black Unemployment Under Trump

  1. Mr. Davis (not african-american) but a self described black man….. An AMERICAN! brought tears to MY eyes.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. There is a big change in the air. Henry is one of many and more are coming over to our side everyday. By the time November gets here the left will not know what hit them.
    Millennials guys have changed 24% in the last year to our side.

  3. I am so excited for our many, many fellow Americans who are being positively affected by the strong economic policies of POTUS Trump. I couldn’t be more proud of our fellow Americans who never gave up the ship and had hope in the face of so-called impossible odds of ever changing our gov’t and country.

    And this is just the beginning!!


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