Virginia governor restoring felons’ voting rights one by one after court rejects order – IOTW Report

Virginia governor restoring felons’ voting rights one by one after court rejects order

RICHMOND, Va., Aug. 22 (UPI) — Virginia Gov. Terry R. McAuliffe has begun what’s expected to be a laborious and time-consuming enterprise — restoring the rights to vote and perform other civic duties for hundreds of thousands of convicted felons, on an individual basis.

The governor announced Monday the rights had been restored to about 13,000 former prisoners — which will allow them to vote, run for office, perform jury duty and become notaries public. He previously said he planned to do the same for 200,000 felons.  more

13 Comments on Virginia governor restoring felons’ voting rights one by one after court rejects order

  1. Thirdtwin, somehow Virginia is still getting stuck with carpetbaggers like this POS. I live in Hampton Roads and wish we could cut away NorVA and the DC Beltway crowd that continually steal our taxes and vote Dem. This guy and his actions are also a down vote for term limits. Gov’s here can only serve one term, so he has nothing to worry about and no one to answer to.

  2. They’re not even trying to hide the voter fraud – that’s how desperate they are.

    Rabid dogs – and dishonest politicians – should be put down.

    But Virginia’s become a cesspool of socialism and corruption – following closely on the tails of Maryland and DC …

    izlamo delenda est …

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