Wapo Calls For the Dismissal of Mizzou Employees That Participated in Intimidating Journalists In the Public Quad – IOTW Report

Wapo Calls For the Dismissal of Mizzou Employees That Participated in Intimidating Journalists In the Public Quad

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Melissa Click

This dope’s job is under review by the University. She is one of three teachers who are being singled out for thuggish behavior.

22 Comments on Wapo Calls For the Dismissal of Mizzou Employees That Participated in Intimidating Journalists In the Public Quad

  1. Well, at least the WaPo knows which side their bread is buttered on. Not like the Huff&Puff which (yesterday) tried to say it was the media’s fault that they were ill-treated by the protesters.

  2. The school clarified during the online uproar that Click is not a journalism professor, just a communications professor.

    University of Missouri…. Would you send your child there? Would you recruit from that school?

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