WATCH: “America Under Siege: Soviet Islam” – IOTW Report

WATCH: “America Under Siege: Soviet Islam”


The war against terror begins at the Kremlin.

With President Trump executing missile strikes in Syria and radical Islamic terrorism being as big a threat as it ever has been, we need to understand how these oppressive regimes and extremist ideologies got started and empowered. Working with Dangerous Documentaries, director Judd Saul and conservative commentator Trevor Loudon have compiled a team of researchers who have uncovered the history of the Soviet Union’s meddling in Middle Eastern politics, creating a new enemy for the United States, and learned that Russia’s continuing alliance with Islamists is forwarding a radical domestic threat in America today.

“Soviet Islam” is the second episode in the five-part “America Under Siege” documentary web-series releasing over the course of 2017. Each episode profiles the influence of radical Marxists on various segments of American society.

5 Comments on WATCH: “America Under Siege: Soviet Islam”

  1. Hitler’s Arabs have been passed around over the years with their latest master being Putin. They’re rabid useful idiots that aren’t worth a shit as human beings, only being able to serve as cannon fodder by smarter organizers who can arm them and utilize them to to destroy the West and Israel.

  2. This is more anti-Russia propaganda. Russia has their own issues with Muslim terrorist. I wouldn’t assume that Putin is best buds with the leaders of Iran or Syria but business with them may give Russia a boost. Communism is dead in Russia. Even Putin himself declares that Communism is a bad system. Putin with Russia, as opposed to the rest of secular Western nations, has brought Christ back into the country in a big way. Putin put the crosses back on the Kremlin. The vacuum left in secular Western nations is being filled with a psychotic religion that places Christ as a mere prophet. The devil is clever ain’t he?

    Putin is anti-new world order. I was hoping that Trump was too. He seemed that way on the campaign trail. I hope he gets back to it.

  3. Well, modern Russia certainly gains nothing from enabling islamic terrorism. But who does gain from it?

    What group was effectively in charge of the Soviet Union when islam was used by them as a weapon against the West?

    Figure that out, accept the answer, and you’re more than half-way to solving the problem.

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