WATCH: Former VP Joe Biden Brags About How He Rigged The Judicial System of Another Country Using 1 Billion Dollars – IOTW Report

WATCH: Former VP Joe Biden Brags About How He Rigged The Judicial System of Another Country Using 1 Billion Dollars

100%FedUp: Former Obama Vp Joe Biden described how he rigged the judicial system of another country by threatening to withhold one billion dollars if a prosecutor wasn’t fired. Read more

13 Comments on WATCH: Former VP Joe Biden Brags About How He Rigged The Judicial System of Another Country Using 1 Billion Dollars

  1. What’s the surprise? The obama administration. Used taxpayer funds so often to advance his agenda and personal schemes, you need a huge spreadsheet to keep track.

    The thing that bothers me most, lately, is how the professional politicians protect each other, it is truly a lawless mob governing and getting rich at the expenses of taxpayers.

    I don’t care which side the current ‘gotcha’ is on, they stumble, shuck, screech, promise to ‘investigate’ or call special council (another way to skim funds from taxpayers), and promise to release some juicy tidbit of compromising proof, building the “finally, justice” hope in Americans, only to have all fall on the rocks of political corruption.

    We’re it otherwise, the courts would be filled with -congressional sex abusers, who protected their own and won’t even give the people who PAID the fines, an accounting.
    -many obama Department heads
    -obama, Clintons, Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, Waters, Reid………….etc. & etc.

    This stupid memo is a ruse! Building the tension. Just like EVERY gotcha HRC lie, crime, & treason. I think she’s still living high in the lie, (wasn’t her lying, stinking ass on TV last night?), as are all obamaites, and corrupt congressional members.

  2. “…and then they they put in someone solid, at the time.”

    Not so solid after the check was cashed, I’m guessing. But as long as Madma Secretary got her cut, it all worked out.

  3. LOL…the in your face approach by Democrats indicates fow secure they are that they are above the law..Know this…The Prosecutor was also head of Ukraine’s largest gas company and he rebuffed the Biden suggestion that Hunter Biden become a major player in the organization. Hence, the 1 Billion $ payoff to have the Prosecutor and President of the Ukraine to flee for their lives…now Hunter Biden and some friends of his run the company…NY Times article, a travesty, says Joe Biden has never had an interest in running Burisma Gas so there was no tit for tat…

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