We Submitted to the NY Times – They Submitted To Islam – IOTW Report

We Submitted to the NY Times – They Submitted To Islam

I got a late night call Tuesday from Pamela, “we need an ad for the NY Times.”

I chuckled. We did the ad.

timesadboschc-copy-300x273 She submitted it.

They came back with a directive- “We need a website or a phone number on the ad.”

Pamela asked hopefully, “do you think that means they will accept the ad?”

I chuckled again. No way in hell.

Then this arrived:

Ms. Geller:
Thank you for the submission of the ad from AFDI. 
I have checked with our advertising acceptability department and this ad does not comply with our acceptability standards because it is offensive on religious grounds. 
We thank you again, but we will not be able to accept the ad. 
J*** S***
I will be urging Pamela to resubmit an ad under an assumed name, one that bashes Jews or Christians.
When the ad is accepted we will submit the final product, substituting the Jew for a Muslim.
Let the fun begin.
Read more at Breitbart

18 Comments on We Submitted to the NY Times – They Submitted To Islam

  1. TN Phil: I use the Norton virus protection software as well, and I do not see iOTWReport flagged. I don’t know what this means but only wanted to say that my experience is currently different.

  2. remember it was the nyt that gave the muslims the heads up on the usa tracking their finances. ran the abu grahib story for more than a month on the front pages. ran the koran burning for multiple days.


  3. Same here. IOTWR no problemo.

    (Except for the frequent “IOTWR website not responding due to a long-running script”, “there was a problem with the web page and it had to be reloaded”, etc., etc. messages from IE. But that’s nothing new.)

  4. While recently watching Casablanca….

    Humphrey Bogart as Rick Blaine; Conrad Veidt (Maj. Strasser)

    Major Strasser: Are you one of those people who cannot imagine the Germans in their beloved Paris?
    Rick: It’s not particularly my beloved Paris.
    Heinz: Can you imagine us in London?
    Rick: When you get there, ask me!
    Captain Renault: Hmmh! Diplomatist!
    Major Strasser: How about New York?
    Rick: Well, there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn’t advise you to try to invade.

    Every time I see that I think, “not any more Rick, not any more.”

    My, how far we have fallen.

  5. Irony would be if muslims bombed the NY Times. Leftist appeasers always think that somehow they will be exempt from atrocities. Their detachment from reality can be seen over and over and over again. They’re all like Grizzly Man, the idiot from California who thought Alaskan brown bears would forget they were omnivores and would be fine with him living among them. Of course, he was wrong, and he and his idiotic girlfriend were both eaten. That’s the left in a nutshell.

  6. You sure have your choice of leftist attack themes to choose from for going after Christians and Jews

    Just call the fake organization something like Freedom for Gay Religion and have the ad call for taking away non-profit status until all Christian denominations accept gay marriage – or declare something like “The Episcopalians are conducting gay marriages, why doesn’t the Methodist or the Lutherans accept gays into their family too?” The ad should target denominations that already have gay clergy.


    For The Jews there’s always Israel and Palestinian or a call for the Jewish State not to attack Iran first.
    Call the fake group Jews For Peace in the Middle East and have them demand Israel give back East Jerusalem in order to appease the Arabs. That’ll be believable to the NYT.

  7. TN Phil: Sorry, late replying – I wonder if you’ll see this. I could successfully place the cursor over Mo image and both left and right click on it (without any warning of any kind being issued.)

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