Welcome to Concord – IOTW Report

Welcome to Concord

Boston Herald: The bucolic and too, too precious town of Concord has taken a stand. By vote of its Town Meeting, Concord will henceforth be a “welcoming community” for illegal immigrants.

Isn’t that special!

Now what with the latest executive order on sanctuary cities put on hold last week by a federal judge, this is little more than a gesture by the townsfolk of Concord. And, let it be known that it’s not exactly a “sanctuary city” — however one may choose to define that term.

Let’s keep in mind that the average home price in Concord hovers around $1 million and the average household income is around $182,000 a year.

So clearly this isn’t a community that is anticipating a large influx of migrants who have fled some troubled land with little more than the clothes on their backs.

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h/t Susan.

13 Comments on Welcome to Concord

  1. That’s Concord for ya! It hasn’t been the same since the last Italian family moved out years ago! Screw them, go in there and grift them any way you can.

  2. The residents of Concord were worried that if the President’s sanctuary city policy made it through unscathed, there would be no one around to clean their $1.7M homes or cut their immaculately manicured lawns. What do you expect from the town that banned plastic water bottles so tourists now just go buy their water in neighboring Lexington and still dump the bottles on the street curbs of Concord.

  3. Come on guys, even the lower rung on the rich scale need access to slave labor. They have lawns, need cooks and nannies. Have a heart, you know how expensive citizens who want a job are.

  4. The Trump administration could buy 10,000 unused tents from Saudi Arabia and pitch them on some public property in Concord. They could then transport every illegal alien the find to live in the tents!

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