Which Band Has the Best Harmonies? – IOTW Report

Which Band Has the Best Harmonies?

Here it is. After a couple of weeks of voting, it comes down to Simon and Garfunkel versus The Moody Blues.

Simon and Garfunkel

The Moody Blues

21 Comments on Which Band Has the Best Harmonies?

  1. Although it would have been a repeat – a better choice for the M Blues would have been Ride My SeeSaw.

    Still – voices more youthful/powerful/all together blending well. Moody Blues !!!!

  2. A white guy and a Japanese guy did a S&G cover band where I went to college. Even better than S&G. For me, the more participants the better…so Moody Blues, Beach Boys, Eagles, etc over S&G.

  3. I am not accusing anyone of voter suppression, but anyone can see that nominees are all white and that harmony is a means of white supremacy colonialism. Therefore I nominate The Association and The Left Bank.

  4. ^^^^^^^ yep, everyone n knows ‘Sam & Dave’ had much better harmonies

    … even ‘Sly & The Family Stone’ were better!

    don’t get me started on ‘The Supremes’

  5. Speaking of the Beach Boys, I’m convinced they stole some of the tune, some of the words, and some of the song concept of Surfin’ USA from Chuck Berry’s Sweet Little Sixteen.

    Berry should have sued them. As you may well conclude, I’m not a fan of the Beach Boys. In that song, they were telling kids to ditch school and go surfing. That sentiment was and is not good for America. It puts fun and games over work and studying. No wonder there are so many dufus homeless and druggies in our midst.


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