What did China get out of Hunter Biden? – IOTW Report

What did China get out of Hunter Biden?

American Thinker:

You don’t seriously think the Chinese are so stupid as to think they could get better private equity returns with Hunter Biden and John Kerry’s stepson Chris Heinz than they could with, say, Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley, do you?

So what could they get from the two unaccomplished promoters that they couldn’t from Goldman or Morgan?

The answer is twofold: the ability to buy American military technology and the ability to gain U.S. State Department approval for doing so.  Who was the secretary of state in 2015?  None other than Chris Heinz’s stepfather, John Kerry. read more

12 Comments on What did China get out of Hunter Biden?

  1. Okay, that explains Hunter Biden and Chris Kerry, but not their partner, Whitey Bulger’s nephew, William. What access did he have to offer to the Chicoms? Maybe Bob Mueller knows.

  2. Solomon, Giuliani and those who have put together to whole picture of Biden corruption have said that China was a much greater portion of the overall criminality than Ukraine. We just know more about what went on in Ukraine because they’re willing to cooperate and get the truth out there.

  3. We’ve been being sold out for years. Before the Clinton administration the Chinese couldn’t even get a rocket off the ground and now they’re parading multiple warhead vehicles through their capital.
    It’s no surprise the Biden’s got in on the act.

  4. These desperate “Impeachment” cries are nothing more than a lame ass attempt at an all-out democrat party cover-up.

    And the slimy, crusty liberal scab has been RIPPED OFF by PRESIDENT Trump! That’s why they’re wailing so loud!


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