What is the exact number of human beings the Left is willing to see destroyed by islam? – IOTW Report

What is the exact number of human beings the Left is willing to see destroyed by islam?


Radical Muslim Plotting to Join Islamic State and Enslave 9-Year-Old Girl Faces Jail.

A Muslim convert from London, who wrote in his diary how he planned to buy a nine-year-old virgin slave girl after he joined Islamic State, faces jail for terrorism offences.

Patrick Kabele from Willesden, Northwest London, was stopped at Gatwick Airport on his way to Sabiha Gokcen Airport in Istanbul on 20 August 2016, Metropolitan Police revealed in a statement.

The 32-year-old, who wrote in his diary he had a “death wish”, was found guilty of preparation of terrorist acts by a jury sitting at Woolwich Crown Court Tuesday. He was remanded in custody.

Giving evidence during the trial, Mr. Kabele insisted slaves are allowed in Islam.

“In our religion, Islam, it’s OK to have slaves. The prophet had slaves, so I’m talking if I ever possess slaves,” he said. “I’m saying slaves is connected to the religion. It’s an integral part of our religion.”


SNIP: The muslims are telling lefties the truth about islam, to their faces, and they still won’t accept it.

11 Comments on What is the exact number of human beings the Left is willing to see destroyed by islam?

  1. Just another cultural difference. You know… leave your kids in a locked car while you see a movie, murder your daughter in an honor killing, marry 10 year olds… we have to be sensitive and accommodate this wonderful religion of peace. But if you are a Christian and don’t want to bake a gay wedding cake well that is obviously a capital offense punishable by complete financial ruin.

  2. “In our religion, islam, it’s OK to have slaves.”

    now we know why the democrats are so in love with the muslims, they both love having slaves !

    do you think the democrats think that if they get enough muslims in our country they can bring slavery back !

    imagine the profits pelosi can make once her vineyard and cannery labor are slaves.

  3. The Left, the Globalists, the One World crowd, they have calculated that they can use the Islamic Jihad as a flail to get the west to run to the ‘protection’ of a worldwide body to save them.
    They think to bargain away half the world to a Caliphate to buy a few years of peace. Then stir up a world wide pandemic or war that reduces the population so the world’s resources are left for the anointed ones who climb out of their multi million dollar bunkers.

  4. let these muslims attack- rape-behead or whatever one of the lefts family and I can tell you they will change their tune real fast. Its all well and good UNTIL it happens to you. stupid people will never learn…

  5. So, if Islam came to America in the 1600’s, black folks would be ok with slavery? Or is it just that slavery is fine as long as you’re the slave owner and not the slave?

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