WHAT?! There Is Lobbying Going On In Congress!? – IOTW Report

WHAT?! There Is Lobbying Going On In Congress!?

Report: China Covertly Lobbying Congress on TikTok

Breitbart: The Chinese Communist Party is secretly lobbying the U.S. Congress regarding TikTok, according to Capitol Hill staffers familiar with the situation.

The Chinese Embassy has been holding meetings with congressional employees to lobby against the legislation that would force a sale of TikTok or else ban the Chinese app in the United States, two Capitol Hill staffers familiar with China’s lobbying efforts told Politico. more here

10 Comments on WHAT?! There Is Lobbying Going On In Congress!?

  1. I am not sure I agree with this legislation. Oh, I want it for China’s Tiktok, but I worry that the government will be able to use it for US owned social media.

    What happens when they want to make Elon Musk sell Twitter or shut it down because they don’t like the content? You know that will happen.

    If the legislation is specifically for TikTok, the WILL use it as a precedent when Musk lets MAGA have their free speech. I even wonder if that isn’t their real aim with this legislation.

    Unless it specifically states that ONLY foreign owned social media that is working to destroy the US will be covered by the law, then we will hate the law just like we hate the Patriot Act as it limits more of our freedom.

    Don’t trust these people.


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