What’s With That Mushroom, Dorothy Hamill, Hairdo? – IOTW Report

What’s With That Mushroom, Dorothy Hamill, Hairdo?

Does the hairdo cause you to kill, or do you go out and get the haircut when you decide to kill?


Church Killer


Newtown Killer

43 Comments on What’s With That Mushroom, Dorothy Hamill, Hairdo?

  1. Could be a wig. Anyway, I gather they don’t know who this guy is, he never left any note and they haven’t caught him yet. How can they classify this as a Hate Crime so quickly? I understand that the church congregation was predominantly black but shouldn’t they get a bit more information on him and his motives first? Hell, the bastard could just be crazy and decided that a church would be a good places to find people gathered together, unlikely to have weapons and with no place to run.
    In any event RIP to all those victims of this lunatic.

  2. Sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic. They snap about age 18-21 and not all of them are violent, but the ones that are always have the persecution excuse going.

    Also reported to have prior drug offenses. Always a bad combination with an already unstable mind.

  3. Finally the Black community has a real reason to hate whitey. While there are many race issues still in America, many brought on the media, I am sickened by this senseless loss of what would appear to be part of the goodness among the Black race. I’m sure they will anoint a new MLK from this tragedy, and unfortunately also bring rioting along with it.

  4. He supposedly sat with them in the church for an hour and then opened fire. So he was nutty and had drug problems, and his daddy bought him a gun in April. Helloooo, idiots! Check daddy and the familiy out, too. May be some drug running going on in the family.

  5. BTW, there have been lots and lots of random racist blacks attacking and killing white people based on their skin color and racial shit said to them before the attacks lately. so I wanna hear the spin for it from the LSM.

  6. This could create a dilemma for the libtard LSM.
    The victims were black, but they were all devout Christians.
    IOW, does the Christian thing cancel out the black victimhood thing?
    Know’m sayin’?
    Paging Revrum Al…

  7. Wow, I think it’s the same Erik Holder DOJ evil robot.

    By the way, please don’t put me in the same category as Alex Jones, but when challenged on their data of mass murders over the last ten years, the FBI admitted it’s data was flawed and when the re released the report apparently Sandy Hook was not on it.

  8. you still can’t spell….lol….just testing out the newer and better IOTWREPORT site….lol…..I knew you could take me humor and my avatar and me are real…LOL…

  9. I got $10 bucks that says that POS is a Democrat….and that he’s on anti-depressants.

    To sit in a place of worship for an hour, talking to the congregants, getting to know them and only then opening fire?? This guy is evil and needs to go straight to the electric chair. I hope that the members of that church and those who lost loved ones find peace & solace, knowing that the victims have all gone to a better place.

    Meanwhile, the Libtard-infested MSM will start it’s usual drumbeat to ban firearms. But I find it interesting how the MSM will do anything, say anything in order to deflect attention from the fact that all American mass-murderers have all been leftists and all were on anti-depressants. They don’t want people to start demanding Leftist-control instead of gun-control. And they definitely don’t want to alienate their multi-billion dollar ad revenue customers from the pharmaceutical industry.

    Denver movie theatre shooter – registered Democrat & on anti-depressants

    Sandy Hook shooter – his Mom was a Leftist and he was on anti-depressants

    Gabby Giffords shooter – registered Democrat & on anti-depressants

    Asian dude Virginia Tech shooting – registered Democrat & on anti-depressants

    Columbine School shooting – both students were too young to vote but had been raised by far-left activist parents AND both were on anti-depressants

    Hmmm, I think we’re beginning to see a pattern here.

  10. I suspect those damn SSRI meds. There’s only a very small risk of homocidal thoughts or actions, but when you have 10% of the country taking them, you get this sort of result. Tragic, and hurting the best of the black community.

  11. Damn, BigFur, you beat me to the punch! As soon as I saw this dipstick’s photo, I immediately flashed back to the Newtown shooter. Wayyyyy too much synchronicity going on here! Must be long-lost twins. Need to evaluate the genetics of these guys.

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