When Chevy Actual Built a Vehicle Worth Remembering – IOTW Report

When Chevy Actual Built a Vehicle Worth Remembering

Red State

Now, their new ad [for Chevrolet] for this year pulls on some of those same heartstrings, and I have to admit, yes, I cried at the end because it was so beautiful and sweet. Have the tissues ready because “A Holiday to Remember” is likely to get you too. Here

36 Comments on When Chevy Actual Built a Vehicle Worth Remembering

  1. I must be hard-hearted because I didn’t get a bit choked up. Now, if Chevy had done an ad showing a flash-back of Bill visiting his wife behind glass at a nursing home during the scamdemic and showing her pictures of the truck… But Chevy doesn’t have the real guts to write that commercial.

  2. I bought my father a 1937 Ford sedan for his sixtieth birthday, it was his first car, and he didn’t work on it for 15 years. It was in great shape but just needed some updating. He finally went to work on it to escape his stupid second wife and got it running really well. Less then a year later he had to have a pacemaker put in and two months later was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Eleven weeks later he was dead. He never drove it…..Moral of the story is to recognize the good things that come your way and act on them……I sold it about 5 years later because it just made me sad. The guy that bought it was 85 years old and just had to have it because a 37 Ford sedan was his first car, so I smiled….

  3. If you have no feelings for ‘yester-year’ and you don’t yearn for the ‘good ‘ol days’, you’re most likely a liberal that is hell bent on turning the future into chaos, hate and discontent that only YOU and your commie cohorts will preside over.

  4. That advertisement was in an era when America was a Christian country and people were taught that it is virtuous to serve their fellow man. Today the country and culture are led into serving those who believe themselves to be deserving of you dedicating your life energies to their service. Actually they now believe that you are largely dispensable and their desires can be met by a few servents maintaining the AI that has been developed to serve them, plus a few who do things like fish and false beef for their consumption exclusively while fleeting you alive on lab grown shit and bugs. You will own nothing and be happy and they will own everything and the hell of it is that anyone is stupid enough to fall into their trap. Not only has anyone been that stupid, a critical mass is that stupid. The bottom line is all of the leaders and followers of this are straight up Satanist whether or not they admit it. They want you to not recognize them for what they are, hopefully people are waking up to their game.

  5. Yes. My eyes leaked again today. My dad, at the end, my mom, and then my brother. I’m not sad for them because they are all together in Heaven and I’ll see them again.

    But it’s hard going through that.

    That commercial had nothing woke about it and I appreciated it.

  6. Liberals will watch that and say it’s stupid and turn on MSNBC to hate on Trump and wish the Suburban was an EV and had a per mile tax to drive it as well as a luxury sin tax to even buy it….oh and they would gleefully put Granny down due to the cost to keep her alive……

    F Them….brought tears to my eyes remembering when people respected each other and values mattered…..now I have dumassses walking down my street supporting Palestine terrorist burning babies alive….how far we have fallen…..

  7. great story willysgoat … my dad’s first car was a ’36 Ford 3-window coupe.
    I got a pic of him at 17, leaning w/ his elbow on the rolled-down driver’s window w/ his leather jacket, jeans & engineer boots

    … the picture of cool in 1948

    btw, the latest chevy ‘vette is pretty cool, too

    655 total HP, 0-60 mph: 2.5 seconds, ¼-mile: 10.5 seconds at 129 mph !!!
    & no … you don’t plug it in

  8. Yeah, I cry too whenever I think of How many times My ’99 GMC Youkon left my wife stranded & dumped some type of Fluid, or died in the middle of a left turn. I cried even worse when I sold it for $2,000 from $60,000ish New.

    My Boring old used Subaru 2014 bought in 2017 cost me $16,000, & before COOF was still worth $11,000 in mid 2019. Now, Still on the road, and after COOF screwed up prices apparently is still worth $10,000.

    I cry every time I think of what I could have done If I had not pissed away so much money on that GM gasket/ Trany/ Computer/ blowing FREON LEAKING money pit & just bought a Toyota/Honda/Subbie.

    CHEERS, & Happy Turkey leftover day!

  9. There’s something unsavory about using nostalgia and personal tragedy to try to sell vehicles around the holidays. It’s exploiting the last vestige of value left in the company, good will, to make salary for the executives at GM.

  10. I’m 70 and graduated from HS in 1971 and I don’t look or feel that old. My mom had severe dementia, Sundowners syndrome in her early 90’s and I don’t wish that on anyone. I thought the older lady was much older in her 80’s or 90’s from what I saw in that commercial. Today is also 50 years to the day that I went overseas onboard the USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 and was gone until the middle of July in 74 after being halfway around the world courtesy of the US Navy. It was the biggest adventure of my young life at the age of 21. My son has my dad’s 72 Chevy 3/4-ton camper special P/U truck that’s still in good shape and he loves that old truck as much as my dad did because it reminds him of his grandfather.

  11. @Dr.Tar ~ I’m w/ Benito. This ad hardly even talks about or emphasizes Chevy. it was surprising & refreshing for today’s absurd times to not show a ‘diverse’ family … let alone a ‘diverse’ town (it probably won’t be shown on large markets … besides too much attention span is needed) … believe it or not, Whites are still the largest majority of people in the US, & will be for a long time after we’re gone … it’s ‘demographics’ (btw, I hate how they divide us along racial lines. the Constitution says all are equal … let’s start from there)

    besides, ads are a demonstration of working Capitalism … 4 out of 5 doctors agree! this ad is not trying to sell the State, or conformity = good, or you’re a bad person for using a plastic bag, or even telling you to buy their product ’cause you’d be cool if you do.

    the ad does highlight what emotional turmoil families are going through today, from the mother-daughter relationship w/ both sets of parents, the relationships of grandparents to grandchildren, to husband-wife, father-daughter. & by commercial standards it’s pretty darn good!

    it doesn’t show that it matters what vehicle you wooed your mate in, or which Drive-In you were at, it’s the nostalgia of the moment … mine happened to be a 69 Ford Fairlane w/ a sweptback top (same body style as the Torino), w/ a 391 V8 … did anyone else focus on the Suburban being the couples vehicle of choice? … if I had my druthers I’d pick a ’59 Cadillac … that sucker had a back seat bigger than a king-sized bed!

    years ago we didn’t have to worry as much about this because we died younger … as a rule. but, worry not! they’re bringing the longevity rate down as we type! no need to dwell on this, Comrade! they’re fixing the problem!

    Bryl Cream, a little dab ‘ll do ya.
    Bryl Cream, you look so debonair.
    Bryl Cream, a little dab ‘ll do ya.
    They love to run their fingers through your hair!

    (p.s. I hate Budweiser, but I love the Clydesdales …. every Stuper Bowl)

  12. I got my driver license on my 16th birthday in 1972. I got a perfect score. Somewhere I still have my score sheet.

    We bought a 2009 last year because my son said that in this part of the country you really need a big 4WD in case of emergency. It is in very good shape. My son is very good at things mechanical and can help we with a lot of things. He wouldn’t touch anything’s after maybe 2010. He wouldn’t touch a Ford truck after about 1995.

    Didn’t Chevy have a commercial a few years ago where the kids rebuilt their grandfathers old car?

    I hate to be a cynical old coot, but did I detect a subtle global warming message in that ad?

  13. @RadioMatt ~ I do remember that Chevy & GMC trucks had a terrible rust problem back in the early ’70’s. by the late ’70’s they were a mess. had a ’72 Ford F100 that was great … only thing that rusted was the bottom of the tailgate & I fixed it w/ a fabricated Al piece that I riveted on. great truck.

    … & I talked to a guy in line to vote in 2020 & he had the same sentiment about Ford trucks as your son … but, he was into Dodges, not Chevy/GMC’s … go figure.
    I switched to true 4-wheeler Toyotas back in the ’80’s

    ” … did I detect a subtle global warming message in that ad?”
    I musta missed it …. was it when they put coats on?

  14. “I hate to be a cynical old coot, but did I detect a subtle global warming message in that ad?”

    “It never seems to snow as much as it used to…”

    Right there in the video.

  15. In the drawer under the keyboard I’m typing on sits my great-grandmother’s 1937 automobile registration card from Jennings, LA and the owners manual for her 1935 Chevrolet car. I wish I could have known her and been able to listen to stories she had to tell.

  16. “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.”

  17. Moaon Aabe (Sorry, my character options are limited on my iPad and I can’t copy and paste text from websites): The girl made a comment along the lines of “Will it ever snow again?”

    For cars, my son is something of a Mopar guy. He bought his first car, a 1979 Chrysler Cordoba, on his 18th birthday. He had three, I think, selling his last one when he moved down here. He also had a 1973 Dart.

  18. @RadioMattM ~ “He also had a 1973 Dart.”

    ha ha, had a ’64 Dart that my dad lent me … slant 6 w/ a push button ignition … tough little bugger … gave it back to him when I could afford a ‘better’ vehicle … shoulda stuck w/ the Dodge (the ’69 Ford LTD that I purchase was a POS … even w/ a decent 351 V8)

    Dad gave the Dart to my baby brother … who eventually burnt it up …. “how was I supposed to know that it needed oil & water?” … smfh
    (famous family joke)

  19. Nice ad. I won’t own a new or used GM or Chrysler/Daimler/Fiat/Mopar product ever again. Obozo bribed the UAW by way of bailing those two companies out screwing the legitimate bond holders. If it’s an American car, it’s got to be Ford.


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