When They Say “Influencers” That is Not a Good Thing – IOTW Report

When They Say “Influencers” That is Not a Good Thing

16 Comments on When They Say “Influencers” That is Not a Good Thing

  1. It’s not crazy that he can’t answer it the way you would like it answered. This is what the young minds were taught “influenced” by atheists for 5 days a week 7 hours a day. I recall when they took prayer out of school, that my 6th grade teacher (she was blind), bowed her head for one minute, every day. She was a big influence in my life to this day. Her name was Ms. Gellerman, a saintly woman.

  2. All generations are influenced. It is only a question of how and what they are influenced by.
    Personally I was influenced by strong moral values in Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, DeMolay, church every Sunday and friends with similar values.

  3. TRF,
    Good list of positive influences.
    Add to those influences, I was also influenced by my time in the Army.

  4. Traditionally, mothers raised the children. First, they trashed motherhood.

    Think of the multitude of role model mothers out there in ‘Merikka:

    pink/purple/blue hair
    neck tattoos
    too fat to wear pants with a belt
    attention lost in a phone and a 32 oz coffee
    oblivious and neglectful of their own kids because of NARCISSISM
    Stupid as a box of rocks, and unapologetic for being so stupid

  5. The cell phone is the most influential device on the planet today.
    In a terrible way!

    At the gym, EVERYONE brings a phone and few people bring a towel.
    The other day I was in the sauna after working out.
    It’s a co-ed so both guys & gals.
    Of the eight people in there I was the only one without my face buried in a phone.
    In fact, I have never taken my phone to the gym.

    I have watched videos of so called “influencers” and they really think history started the day they were born.
    Many of them don’t understand how ignorant they really are.
    Yet they have MILLIONS of followers.

    Oh well, it was fun while it lasted…

  6. Neanderthal B Woodman – I was never in the service. When I was eligible, they had just started the draft lottery and I got one of the high numbers (320 as I recall), so while I would have gone if called, the chances were pretty low.
    A group of us were watching the lottery on TV smoking like old Buicks waiting for our numbers. One guy was a true hippie, long hair, beard and mustache and typical hippie garb. When his time came up he got a single digit number. He threw down his cigarette, said “Fuck”, and walked out. We didn’t see him for few days. When we did ( three days later) he was completely shaven and dressed normally (kinda like Jim Ignatowski discovers dope cookies in college, only in reverse). He signed up for the Army so that he might have a chance at determining what he would do and where he would go. As it turned out he got sent to Germany where he had more access to dope than he had in the States!

  7. Yes joe6, it’s unbelievable.
    The phone is the modern pacifier.
    I quit going to movies & concerts years back.
    Go to a theme park and everyone has their face in the phone.
    Why? aren’t you there for the experience.
    Another thing people do in the gym is film themselves and take selfies.
    I always make sure to step in front of them.

  8. My “influencers”: The USMC and the many superb Officers and NCO’s who commanded lead and instructed me along 4 hard years. Best fuckin education/influence I ever got.

  9. When I was really young, just about everyone’s father was in WWII. As I got older, I started meeting people whose fathers were in Korea. As I got older, I started meeting people whose fathers were in Viet Nam. Then I met somebody, an adult, whose GRANDfather was in Viet Nam β€” and this was over 30 years ago.

    I never served. I was in the last year for a lottery and the second to last year for signing up for the Viet Nam era draft.

    I did talk yo a recruiter. No matter what I said I was interest in, he kept steering me to the ASA. I guess that would have gotten him lots of brownie point if he could get someone in the ASA. If he had only listened to me at all, he would have at least gotten me.

    As it turns out, the Peanut Farmer got elected less than three months after I turned 20 so in some ways I may have lucked out.

    My father was in the Army. My oldest brother was in the Army. My other brother was on the Washington State Patrol. Sometimes I wish I had done more.

  10. LocoBlancoSaltine Friday, 6 October 2023, 10:31 at 10:31 am

    The cell phone is the most influential device on the planet today.
    In a terrible way!

    I wonder what they’re looking at! I don’t get it either! I hate that fricking phone! I flat out tell everyone I do business with that I don’t do cell phone.


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