When Your Kid’s Teacher is the Stranger Danger – IOTW Report

When Your Kid’s Teacher is the Stranger Danger

Best observation- @smthng_obscn

“Look at all the cat hair on that thing’s sweatshirt! The jokes just write themselves.”

13 Comments on When Your Kid’s Teacher is the Stranger Danger

  1. So, are all the alphabet people confused, maladjusted, just lazy, or just too scared to go out in the world and be a man or be a woman? Did their parents really screw-up the simple job of raising their replacements in society? Failing to communicate the simple biology that it takes a man and a woman to make babies? (yeah, yeah, exceptions to every rule)

  2. Also going on in your kid’s school
    Rikki Lynn Laughlin, who resides in St James, Missouri, was charged with a slew of serious offenses after she tried to convince a special needs teen to hook up with her.

    Prosecutors claim that the teacher at St. James High School high school teacher sent explicit images to a teen boy, including some of her using a sex toy.
    separate story
    Married teacher busted with boys as young as 13 years old
    The 24-year-old educator, who reportedly got married on July 1st, faces felony charges of third-degree sexual abuse and two counts of lascivious acts with a child, in addition to three misdemeanor charges for disseminating obscene materials no less than three other minors.

  3. Why do we tolerate perverts teaching our children to be perverts?
    These creatures, and the governing school boards, should be excised.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. If you think that your child is “safe” in their government monopoly day prison because THEIR teacher is OK, or THEIR school doesn’t have any of these problems, then YOU are part of the problem. Get your child OUT of the government system, stop demanding that the government STEAL from your neighbors to pay for your child’s “education” and work towards the abolition and dismantling of all government controlled educational services. There are NO other choices.


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