Where Would We Be Now If Hillary Was President? – IOTW Report

Where Would We Be Now If Hillary Was President?

I was watching Reason’s own Droopy Dog, Nick Gillespie, give his fellow Libertarians who voted for Trump the “I told you so” routine yesterday and I was struck by just how unaware the guy was about the alternative, which got me thinking.

What if Hillary had been elected? Who’d be sleeping in the Lincoln bed right now?  Who would Secretary of State Sidney Blumenthal and first gentleman Bill Clinton be selling the country out to?

Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin? Head of Homeland Security, Susan Rice? HUD Secretary Maxine Waters? ICE Director Luis Guttierrez, NSA Director, Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

The possibilities are frightening and the damage that would have been done by the gang of criminals and incompetents she would have brought in with her would have been immense, but Nick Gillespie thinks libertarians who voted for Trump made some kind of mistake.

34 Comments on Where Would We Be Now If Hillary Was President?

  1. “And the excuse that Hillary Clinton would have been worse is getting older than Bernie Sanders.”

    Why is this an excuse? It is a fact. And how does a fact get old? She would have been a million times worse. Even if it is an excuse, it is a damn good one and will still be a good one in a thousand years.

  2. We’d be in a very bad place that I don’t even want to go or even think about. hellary would’ve destroyed everything that barry hadn’t finished off already. Thank God Trump won because the alternative would be unacceptable to most normal American AKA the deplorables.

  3. @geoff the aardvark September 7, 2017 at 6:09 pm

    I’m not claiming it would be good.

    But when you run out of other people’s money, in the middle of a jobless credit card spending frenzy, it’s easier to convince people to sit down and actually think about “Maybe it’s time.”

    When you finally got a new job, minimum wage though it may be, there’s another payday loan, another minimum payment, and the dream of “Maybe it’ll work out.”

    The reality is still the same. But the willingness to do something different, just isn’t there.

    Maybe that’s the plan.

  4. OMG. Who knows how many incompetent donors would be running departments, getting ambassadorship jobs, and gay/lesbian/muslims would be crawling all over D.C. with their enemies list.

    The country would be unlivable.

  5. There’d be another lesbian on the supreme court for starters. HHS would be turned of over to Cecile Richards and there’d be mandatory abortions for anyone that was a member of a recognized Christian church.

  6. I watched POTUS Trump’s meeting/presser with the Crown Prince of Kuwait today and was reminded of that incredible summit this summer in the ME with all the muslim nations in attendance resolving to fight ISIS into submission in Syria. Can’t believe it’s only been a few months and what a world of difference we are seeing there. And it seems like the leaders of these nations are beginning to get the religion of peace and, more importantly, prosperity, that Trump is igniting their imaginations with. That, alone, is worth infinite much. I shudder to think of what President Hillary Rodham-Clinton would have done to provoke more chaos and mayhem in the ME and how she would have sold the U.S. Patent Office to China and India for the right offer.

  7. First the economy collapses and we see stock brokers jumping out of windows.
    She stages a reset with North Korea complete with another button. The button actually launches a test ICBM that rains chunks all over Japan
    James Taylor sings ‘Fire and Rain’ as Putin annexes all of Ukraine.
    She declares Marshall law over the entire country due to the Hurricanes.
    Gun sweeps start with private dealers being arrested for ‘procedural violations’
    Food Hoarders are outed and arrested. Mormons put on notice to “Share or else”
    Utah secedes
    Germany declares independence fro the EU as another Caliphate.
    James Taylor sings “Mockingbird” Carly declines to appear.
    Texas secedes
    Arizona secedes
    California attempts to secede, but forgot where it put the paperwork
    Clinton orders the Army to mobilize on the borders of Utah, Arizona, Texas.
    Army refuses.
    Clinton declares war on the Army and tells the Navy to intercede
    Due to Hurricanes stopping payment to the US debt, China demands Alaska as payment.
    Clinton signs treaty to make the United States a ‘Member-State’ of the Northern Hemisphere Alliance giving up sovereignty to the UN
    Clinton is removed from office by the Secret Service.
    Tim Kane turns up missing
    Nancy Pelosi turns up missing
    Bill Clinton dies in a strip club in West Virginia. Cause of death is choking on a pastie.
    Mexico annexes California.

  8. No Matter how Much Crap Countries Give us , They Know They Need Us . We are The Example Used on This Planet Of True Freedom ! Most any Country Seeking Democracy Becomes a Plaigerist of the United States !!!

  9. Mike Rowe does a profile of the SS agents assigned to protect Hillary on a new show called “shit jobs”. It’s best to be out front, we’re told, as the familiar “air” of urine soaked farts is reserved for the junior agents bringing up the rear.

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