whoops! Turning Point USA employee screws up projected image behind the president – IOTW Report

whoops! Turning Point USA employee screws up projected image behind the president

The moral of the story here is that we all screw up and we shouldn’t make things that aren’t life and death into life and death events.

Some dumbass republican NeverTrumper created a fake presidential seal with the eagle changed to a Russian two-headed one, holding golf clubs and money, festooned with a “latin” phrase that read ” “45 is a puppet.” -Real dumb stuff, the kind of thing we’d expect from a big brain Never Trumper who would rather see the left in control.

The seal went out into the internet ether only to be pilfered, unwittingly, by the TurningPointGuy to be projected behind the president at a speech. It was visible for over a minute before someone spotted it.

Somehow, this made national news and the narrative, of course, was that this was an embarrassment to Trump. Why? What did Trump do?

NonStory HERE.
I’m linking in order to tell the TurningPoint guy to forget about it. It made me laugh.

ht/ rick

10 Comments on whoops! Turning Point USA employee screws up projected image behind the president

  1. These people start GoFundMe accounts for nutbags who flip the bird to a presidential motorcade.

    The NeverTrump dipshit has already parlayed his petty act into several frontpage Reddit posts, including an Ask Me Anything, and an interview with the Washington Post.

    They can’t impeach him but, oh boy, are you embarrassed! Pffft.

  2. Coulda been worse. A picture of pelosi or schumer before make up. A picture of mueller sleeping in his coffin. A picture of the “squad” picking fleas off each others backs.

  3. Kudos to the creator. Sure, it uses all the false tropes, but it was pretty imaginative and well done. Certainly wonder how it made it into that particular presentation though, a little review in order there. And worth a simple story nod but if Trump could be embarrassed by such a thing he wouldn’t be president.

  4. The difference between us and a libtard is I can actually see a humorous side to that and have been around long enough to know mistakes happen. Why things need to be reviewed by many people. Years ago our internal marketing department redesigned our website and they had a typo in the support number we didn’t catch. The number they published was for an erotic pay to listen porn site. Some customers took major offense. Stuff happens.

  5. It reminds me of how someone at US Postal produced a stamp of the Statue of Liberty…but used the ONE IN VEGAS!

    Cost us taxpayers 3 million dollars after the artist sued.

    It was a public image so I don’t get that.

    Lesson, don’t casually grab an image of the interweb…

    BTW, I did flip by Maddow’s show and she had an orgasm in her boxer shorts over this one.

  6. Someone make an Obama seal:
    Golfing and puppet to Iran & EU’s Merkel, Taxing Coal out of business and giving away money to Solyndra (now bankrupt)

    At least when Trump is at the Golf course you can bet he’s conducting business and pushing for better deals.

    Apparently, he got a break on the new Air Force One.
    For what it’s worth, I really like the current paint job 747. The new one reminds me of British Air Ways old paint scheme.


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