Why Is a Crap Beer Selling More as Other Beers Decline? – IOTW Report

Why Is a Crap Beer Selling More as Other Beers Decline?

Corona, continually ranking in taste tests as an inferior beer, is expanding their growth. In fact, there are Corona shortages throughout the country. They are even planning on rolling out cans, which is a HUGE MISTAKE. (I’ll explain.)

As a non-beer drinker I can tell you exactly why Corona is popular.

It’s the lime. Ironically, something that is not an ingredient in the beer, and could be linked to any beer, but isn’t, is what drives their sales.

It’s the clear bottle, the lime wedge, the hot beach, and the nice a$$ in a bikini. That is it. That is Corona’s success.


It’s beer for people who don’t drink beer. It’s beer for people who want to look like they are drinking beer, but in reality are hot and thirsty and would rather be drinking limeade.

The cans will be a huge failure. People want to stick that lime in the neck and strain that sh!t beer through it. You can’t do that with a can.

Story HERE.

39 Comments on Why Is a Crap Beer Selling More as Other Beers Decline?

  1. As a tequila drinker, the lime in the bottle is marketing genius.

    It alters the entire experience.

    PS, for every Hillary, Pelosi, Moochelle post iotw should be mandated to post a similar picture as above.
    This will keep your sever away from future implosions…

    You are welcome! 🙂

  2. The pictures of asses have got to stop. There is at least 90%, well, maybe 40% left of the woman to celebrate! The ass may be the majority, but it isn’t what’s special. I love my wife for her arms.

  3. DEAD ON.!…you couldn’t get a Corona (years ago)unless you were on beach in Mexico drinkin’ Corona beer…it was part of the event…the mammories…those special feelings….and the lime was put in to (finally/maybe) kill the bacteria in the water that the beer was made with or hide the rancid taste of the water that the beer was made with….marketing, marketing, marketing….LOL…..I’ll tell ya about some whiskey’s in the future….the Scotch are an evil bastard….LOL…MOE TOM???….

  4. If you’re in Sonoma County CA, go to Windsor and find St. Florian’s Brewery. They have a beer called Bourbon Barrel Aged Brown Ale (Bourbon Brown for short). Even though it is dark, it is NOT a heavy beer. During the aging, some of the bourbon that leeched into the barrel originally, leeches out then into the beer. It is incredible. You must visit the brewery as it is only on tap.

    You’re welcome.

  5. Increasing in popularity or because of the increase in host country market base? What culture is increasing in California at the moment? Figure it out. Craft beer in the rest of the U.S. Is exploding in popularity (too expensive in my opinion) going back to its roots in local brewing like pre-prohibition days. Life is too short to drink crappy beer.

  6. My econ teacher, who loves single malt scotch, told the story of an English scotch maker, not particularly successful, who sent his son to Harvard B-school many years ago.
    The son returned with his degree and father asked ‘so what do we do now?’
    ‘We are going to export to America’, the son said. ‘We are going to price above all the others. And we will call it Crown Royal.’
    The dad responded ‘but we make a blended scotch, not all that great and certainly not as good as most of the single malt scotches.’
    ‘Doesn’t matter’ said the son. And it didn’t. Marketing!

    Might be a bit off on some of the details. But the point is there.

  7. be careful….the’re putting sugar cane into some of them to make them sweeter for the Americans palate….but a good aged tequila…ah, nothing better….

  8. I drink a couple beers a year. Usually Corona or Samuel Adams.

    I quit drinking in ’87 and had a liver biopsy in ’94 that revealed cirrhosis. They gave me a 3 to 5 year life expectancy. Well, I’m still here, and a few years ago I started with the two beer a year celebration for all the extra years, gifts that I don’t deserve.

    I thank the Lord every day.

  9. My best friend has stage 3 cirrhosis from hep C, ….tattoo’s…..he’s too mean (honery) to die and so, you must be the same…lol…good on ya!….

  10. All my liver functions have been normal for about a decade now. Going to have them checked again next month because it’s been a while.

    Milk thistle and Noni juice, and a lot of prayer – tell your friend to look into those. And thanks!

  11. He did a treatment a couple of years ago and he doesn’t have hep C anymore, but the damage was done…he says it just affects his short term memory, but his wife says his short term memory has always sucked…..especially when it involves him being married…they are 42 years into it now….LOL…a couple of special human creatures ……LOL….my pleasure to know them…

  12. If he stays away from alcohol, even mouthwash with alcohol in it, the liver has the ability to regenerate itself. The scar tissue will always be there, but the liver can function normally again if great care is taken. Drugs and chemical can do a lot of damage to the liver, and everything you eat, drink, breathe, or absorb through the skin has to be processes by the liver.
    I quit all drugs, over and under the counter. Tylenol is a big no-no.

    Anyway, I wish your friend the best of luck, and you too, Willysgoatgruff.

  13. I just looked in the fridge and found three coronas on the bottom door shelf. I have no idea where they came from, or how long they have been there.
    I have to buy a lime.
    When do the girls show up?

  14. Where do I begin? Already I count 28 defamation lawsuits, and that’s only because I am benevolent. In the future please refrain from slandering my good name. Or thou shalt taste me wrath.


  15. Corona was OK in my drinking days. Its not like they invented “lager and lime”. Ringo orders one in Help. I was in England in the AF and drank a lot of Carlsberg with lime. In Germany we got Becks in the big crates of recyclable bottles. Never could drink American beer after that,

  16. So Fur, why did you ban Ginger?

    Was it because she criticized photos of practically nude women and said those images don’t belong on a web site calling itself conservative? I can’t remember, did she say that those images slap conservative women here in the face, um not that there’s anything wrong with that. Was it something about conservative Judeo – Christian values, but you know, boys will be boys?

  17. The reply thing ran out of space last night, but thanks for the good wishes and information for my friend and for me..great luck for you and your family….carry on!….

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