Why is Rand Paul Relegated to the Kid’s Table Over John Kasich?? – IOTW Report

Why is Rand Paul Relegated to the Kid’s Table Over John Kasich??


Next GOP Debate Lineup Just Announced… Look Who Got Tossed Off Stage

15 Comments on Why is Rand Paul Relegated to the Kid’s Table Over John Kasich??

  1. I’m wondering why Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and John Kasich are invited.

    I understand why Rubio is there, he represents the GOPe, the country clubber RINOs, schumer, reid, mcconnel and mccain.

  2. What a contrast: Hillary would be flipping off the Secret Service, Mooch would be scratching her balls, Ocommie would be playing games on his iPad, Bubba would be researching hookers with his iPhone, Biden would be waving to the janitors, Gore would be picking his nose, Kerry would be scratching his butt, Sanders would be asleep in his soaking wet diapers, Warren would be checking her pads, and McCain would be signing autographs for his ISIS pals.

  3. Bowie was not an atheist.
    ‘Questioning my spiritual life has always been germane to what I was writing. Always.’ He added that he was bothered by being ‘not quite an atheist’.

  4. I’m about as anti gay as you can be, but I still love Bowie and admire his artistry. The same mouth that hosted lord knows how many dicks sang Christmas carols with Bing Crosby. It ain’t called Amazing Grace for nothing.

  5. one word. OHIO. They need our state. The convention is here, and he is oh so understanding to the poor immigrant that have somehow ended up crossing the border and 14 states illegally. They didn’t know. Couldn’t read the road signs. He is a good old boy now.

  6. Fox is using the excuse that they are only using the NH and Iowa polls for qualifying for this debate. In both of those states, Rand Paul is pretty low in the standings.
    Nationwide he is beating Jeb and they can’t have Jebby on the runner up stage.
    Fox’s favorites are Jeb and Rubio.

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