Why Pamela Geller Loves Trump’s Twitter Feed – IOTW Report

Why Pamela Geller Loves Trump’s Twitter Feed

It’s fashionable to say, “I support the president, I just wish he’d stop Tweeting.”

For many, the oft-maligned Twitter feed is great comfort.

Here’s Pamela Geller’s take.

16 Comments on Why Pamela Geller Loves Trump’s Twitter Feed

  1. I like his tweeting. It is genius to reach out to the public using that medium. All future presidents will do it.

    But we need more than his tweets if he wants to be remembered amongst the great presidents. He’s got to act on his campaign promises to protect America from invasion.

  2. Pam Geller is a beautiful and brilliant lady, and right on the money with her comments! And Trump’s tweets are also brilliant – keeps the libtards and progtards off-balance!!
    Makes they NUTZ!!!! ;^)

  3. I love his tweets but I cringe when he misspells a word only because the yippy small dog media relentlessly broadcast the mistake.

    I really am itching for an Address to the Nation with his bully pulpit speechifying his views on illegal immigration, the Mueller hoax investigation and the vindictive Fed Reserve.

  4. I LOVE President Trumps tweets (even though I don’t have Twatter), because he’s bypassing the DeMSM presstitute “gatekeepers” at their own game, and they don’t know how to act.

  5. Twitter makes Trump more “real.” P.J. O’Rourke once observed that the sole function of the White House press corps is just to watch the President, meaning that they analyze his every word, facial expression, body language and sideways glance. Notwithstanding the fact that when you express Jim Acosta’s job this way Acosta’s function seems exceptionally unimportant, most Presidents in this type of fish bowl existence have their every word and act carefully scripted.

    But not Trump. His tweets seem largely unfiltered, and we don’t need the Jim Acostas of the world to explain what he said. We don’t need to rely on the evening news to show edited clips of Trump’s press conferences. Agree or disagree, cringe or not cringe, we at least know what the most powerful man in the world is thinking and how he feels about things.

  6. Geller’s assessment of POTUS Trump via his tweets is spot on. I would be in an absolute panic if he suddenly stopped or if I could tell that it wasn’t him writing. And I don’t give a fig about spelling. If I wanted an English major for president, I’d have voted for one. LOL!

    When you’re leading the orchestra (the free world), you have to turn your back to the audience (the press).

  7. Brad –

    You weren’t sleeping well before this. 🙂

    I think the whole world needs to see this video. To show how tolerant the religion of peace is.

    This incrementalism of the acceptance of Muslims needs to be stopped.

  8. Dammit. Why is the beheading of these two women NOT BEING SHOWN EVERYWHERE?
    This is huge. This is why we need a ban on muslims. This is what every damn pos judge in this country needs to see. This is a cover up. Not so much as one damn news banner. Keep this story alive.

  9. Pamela Geller’s has more courage than the entire liberal, actually Communist left in this nation. The video should be seen by every citizen in this nation so that we the people see exactly the ” change ” Obama and his ilk have planned for every Christian of any color! Obama, Brennan, Clapper, et al, have NOT given up their dream. Pay attention and get scared cause that is the only appropriate response to Islam. The moderates only hold the knife while the radical puts you in the proper position.


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