Wikileaks: Podesta says Hillary has “terrible instincts” – IOTW Report

Wikileaks: Podesta says Hillary has “terrible instincts”

WT: The latest batch of WikiLeaks documents belonging to Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta include key advisers lamenting her “terrible instincts.”

A Sept. 6, 2015, email from Mr. Podesta to Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden covered the trials and tribulations of the campaign, at which time he broached the subject of Mrs. Clinton’s poor instincts.

“We’ve taken on a lot of water that won’t be easy to pump out of the boat. Most of that has to do with terrible decisions made pre-campaign, but a lot has to do with her instincts,” Mr. Podesta wrote.  MORE

SNIP:  How many screaming phone calls do you think Podesta has answered lately? LOL!

8 Comments on Wikileaks: Podesta says Hillary has “terrible instincts”

  1. And Trump goes with his instincts even though all the experts claim he shouldn’t. She is such a no talent, accomplish nothing hack and after 30 years she still can’t be trusted off script. Even with the media on her side how can people not see this.

  2. Mr. Hat, please draw vampire fangs on Hillary’s laughing clown mouth. I’m really tired of seeing it and we all know she’s planning to suck the life out of everyone if she becomes president.

  3. If you ever are interviewed by a member of the media. Remember to heap scorn and abuse on them. Be civil in tone,but rude of word,and tell them how ashamed and contrite they should be for having the gall to associate themselves and their profession with words and concepts such as integrity,honesty and professional. They and their ilk have reduced trust and faith not just in themselves but also in their fellow citizens. By engaging in advocacy instead of reporting the events thereby allowing their fellow citizens to decide for themselves what to think and do about the problems of World,they set out to “change the World” because they,in their hearts, thought they are better than the “average”man. Their arrogance is matched only their self-righteousness!

  4. Her instincts are bad. That’s not all.

    So are her morals (well a complete lack of them), her demeanor, her appearance, her world view, her philosophy, her discernment, her choice of friends, her husband, her party, her allegiance, her appearance. Basically, there is an iota of what could be called respectable in the Hildabeast.

    I pray daily that she is struck down by God Almighty. She needs to be sent back down to Hell to see her Master.

  5. Oops, not an iota of respectable and I repeated myself about her miserable appearance. A freudian slip or perhaps it is worth noting twice that she has the charisma of a slug.

  6. Being a vile, shameless, manipulative, foul, anti-semetic, Alinsky-loving, crooked, nasty, old Witch with a voice so shrill it will make yer ears squint, a long 30+year trail of very real victims (not to mention dead bodies) and a screaming level of dishonesty that is only exceeded by her unbridled greed and lust for money & power is just “terrible instincts”?

    Insert long eye-roll here…

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