Woman gives birth at 23 weeks to an 8.6 ounce clump of cells- strangely, it turns into a baby – IOTW Report

Woman gives birth at 23 weeks to an 8.6 ounce clump of cells- strangely, it turns into a baby

World’s smallest surviving baby born at San Diego hospital, sent home healthy.


The world’s smallest surviving baby went home healthy after being delivered at a San Diego hospital at only 23 weeks.

Saybie was delivered in December of 2018 at 23 weeks and three days at San Diego’s Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women and Newborns.

According to the hospital, Saybie’s mother gave birth after experiencing severe pregnancy complications.

When she was born, Saybie weighed 8.6 ounces, about as much as a large apple, according to the hospital.

After her birth, the hospital’s life support team rushed to stabilize her before she was taken to the neonatal intensive care unit.

Saybie was sent home in mid-May at a healthy 5 pounds.

“No one expects their baby to be born with complications,” said Trisha Khaleghi, senior vice president and chief executive officer at Sharp Mary Birch. “But when the unexpected occurs, Sharp Mary Birch is equipped with the latest technologies, equipment, research and specially trained experts to care for even the world’s smallest baby.”



MJA: ” 12 hours ago · Little Baby Saybie – a name given to her by hospital staff – was born three months early in December 2018 as a half-pound micro preemie — and was released in good health this month.”  – NYP

27 Comments on Woman gives birth at 23 weeks to an 8.6 ounce clump of cells- strangely, it turns into a baby

  1. I still would like to know where the clump of cells went after the baby was born? Are they tossed in the wastebasket or do the leftists eat them for a snack?

  2. Well, the “viability” bar has just been lowered. Oh, yah, that’s right, states like New York and Virginia are all in, full tilt Moloch worshipping mode and they’ll murder a full term baby and paint the town in pink to celibrate. Give it more time and they’ll have enough baby blood so they wont have to water it down and then they can paint the town red.

    Part of me is optimistic enough to know the day will come when the pro choice crowd will be seen with the same moral contempt as the pro slavery crowd. That day may have to wait until we all stand at the judgement bar of God but that day will come.

  3. My laptop nearly floated away with all the tears I shed. How beautiful. God bless her and her family. God bless the staff at the hospital.

    God, your love for the miracle of life that happens at conception needs to be impressed upon the people who are taken in by the evil talk of the anti-life abortion loving demons. For those who work to make this hatred of your innocent babies accepted as ‘normal’, please allow your justice to stop this evil.

  4. As a former NICU nurse practitioner, we were fortunate to have a baby who was 28 weeks gestation survive (20 years ago). This is how far medical care has come for preemies. Also the advance of the science of “seeing” and caring for the babies in utero. God Bless little Saybie and the nurses and doctors who cared for her.

  5. Waitress just asked me if everything was alright. Wasn’t talking about the food. Must have seen me wiping my eyes. Yeah, you bet it’s alright was my reply.

  6. Had a wrenching convo with co-worker yesterday about the abortion issue. He is a self professed Christian, married, with one teen son. He told me with a Cheshire smile on his face that babies aren’t humans until they are born. He was not joking, he was not being flippant. He also said his own son was not a human until the day of his birth. I asked what was he for the 9 months prior, a pony? He said, simply, that his own son became human upon birth and that abortion is a good solution to making more “poor people”. I almost started crying. This is not a rabid leftist. This is a hard working, professional CHRISTIAN saying this garbage. I don’t think anything can overcome this evil.

  7. @ Claudia and others of like mind,

    “..please allow your justice to stop this evil.”

    I understand that our pain at such things is what brings forth our actions and resolve to make a stand against such things and enlist others to join us.

    Remember, justice comes later when every knee shall bend.

    Trust in God and keep your faith in the face of such evils. You are making a difference even if you can’t see it.

  8. Dadof4, I understand. I trust God’s plan. I just want to ask for a teeny tiny bit of justice (like failure to pass the worst of their plans) now and save the rest for the Final Judgement.

  9. @Claudia

    I think what we do in the moment can be a portion of His justice, if we can.

    Like the jury duty I was at yesterday. We do what we can when we can. He works through us if we hear His calling.

    Consider if everything was perfect all the time – what would call us to be better spiritually if nothing is asked of us? Emotional pain, as unpleasant as it is, has us remember that pain and take action against it in the future.

    One of the callings I felt was to be a protector because I knew I needed one as a small child. So, I have twice taken action as an adult to confront beat the tar out of a couple of abusers.

    You’re doing fine. It’s just unpleasant ground in these areas.

  10. Here is another opinion to consider. This may not be truthful reporting.

    “A baby was born at 19 weeks and lived. But the MSM will not admit that, and is instead saying the baby was 23 weeks, (which is the end of the legal time frame for abortions in many states) obviously to squelch “outrage” from the pro-abortion crowd. You can’t tell the truth like that and show a case where a baby that could have been legally aborted practically anywhere was more than an “un-viable tissue blob” without offending a pro-abort, so “23 weeks” it is. The linked article above is clearly lying because This gestation chart clearly shows that at 23 weeks the baby should not have been 8.6 ounces, it should have been 18 ounces. 8.6 ounces lines up with 19 weeks.”

  11. Our little ‘clump of cells’ was born at 26 weeks and is now almost 5 feet tall and an excellent hugger. My wedding ring went all the way up her arm to her shoulder.

  12. Seeing the nurses’ passion is what shows how much life there is in that 8.6 oz. Keep this story alive.
    My guess is that Saybie is an acronym of the nurses names.

  13. @ Claudia and Dadof4, when I pray I pray for forgiveness, certainly never “justice”. That stated, to Claudia’s earliest comment…. salute.


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