Woman Set Fires In Greece “To Watch Firefighters And Flirt” – IOTW Report

Woman Set Fires In Greece “To Watch Firefighters And Flirt”

In an unprecedented incident of arson in Tripoli, a city in the central part of the Peloponnese in Greece, a 44-year-old Greek woman set fires because “she enjoyed watching firefighters and flirting with them.

12 Comments on Woman Set Fires In Greece “To Watch Firefighters And Flirt”

  1. …full disclosure, I still have the wife my hunky lil uniform got for ME.

    …and shes WAY hotter than THESE chicks, but never set fire to anything but my heart…although she sometimes makes it too warm to keep clothes on for, uh, some reason…

  2. geoff the aardvark
    Sunday, 1 September 2024, 14:52 at 2:52 pm
    “That’s because firefighters are real men and not some weenie, emasculated wimp.”

    …I’d not dare to dispute you, but that sometimes takes strange form when the firefighters are women.

    …a FORMER best friend and frequent partner of mine for both fire and squad got a little too enamored of a young voulenteer woman FF/EMT who also happened to live with her mother and was a single mother herself. This would normally not be a big deal and nothing I cared about (she wasnt attractive to ME, but whatever floats your boat), but he complained about her mother wouldnt watch the kid unless there was a fire.

    Then, mysteriously, we started having a spate of dumpster fires.

    …long story short, this idiot was setting dumpsters on fire so his girlfriend could come out and play, and they could hang out after. The dumbass got caught because someone saw him drive AWAY from a brand new dumpster fire IN A CAR WITH A LIGHT BAR ON IT.

    I hate arsonists, traitors, and fools, and this guy was all three. The department knew we were partners and buds so they grilled ME because they thought I might have been in on it (I wasnt), but that really frosted my balls that I literally trusted this moron with my LIFE, then he goes around doing crap like THAT making us ALL look bad.

    Thank God no one got hurt on those runs. Dumpster fires can be dangerous too, and every time you start an emergency vehicle, things can get sideways real quick.

    Anyone who sets stuff on fire on purpose that isnt a controlled open burn needs to go to jail. And anyone that makes emergency vehicles roll for false reasons should do the same, as they both divert resouces that may delay saving a life in an actual emergency later, in addition to the inherent risks of any emergency response.

    That includes flirting females.

    You aint that hot, Sweetie.

    And no fire can make you so…


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