Women’s Locker Room Thrown Open To All Genders – IOTW Report

Women’s Locker Room Thrown Open To All Genders

Earlier this month a man went to Evans Pool in Seattle, walked into the women’s locker room and changed into swim clothes. He then returned and put his street clothes back on after using the pool.


The staff did not stop him, the police were not called.  When confronted, the individual replied “the law has changed and I have a right to be here.”

The law in question is the transgender bathroom bill that allows those with gender issues to use the bathroom of choice. Public facilities like Evans Pool are left to figure out how to comply with the law while assuring the safety of patrons.


People were upset with the man for not identifying to anyone that he was indeed transgender and for dressing as a man.

But what if this is a transgender man who insists on dressing like a lesbian?


22 Comments on Women’s Locker Room Thrown Open To All Genders

  1. Beat the ? out of him. Then claim ignorance on the “law” so you don’t get charged with assault and battery. All you have to say in your defense is that you’re “law fluid.”

  2. Is it wrong to walk in the men’s room with swass dripping down the leg to find all the stalls filled, turn around and hit the “family” restroom that’s wide open, nice and clean and is the size of the entire bathroom next door with 7 dudes pinching a loaf? Cause that works great for me.

  3. The guy is doing everybody a favor. I hope he gets his friends involved. The more publicity the better. I think he is trying to make the point that the law is an ass. I hope he visits the womyns locker rooms only while grown up are there, no children.

    The people who voted for this need to be punished.

  4. Well, I would have pounded him through a floor drain. But that’s the Law and Order talking.
    How about this:
    Every school, public place, anywhere this crap is allowed, should be avoided like pernicious anemia.
    Vote with your feet.

  5. Sorry folks, but this is the result of the looney tunes and their agenda. Fight it or get used to it. I suspect this man was trying to make a point, God bless him if this was the case.

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