Writer Taylor Lorenz Getting Crucified On Social Media For Despicable Act of Going After Pamela Geller’s Children – IOTW Report

Writer Taylor Lorenz Getting Crucified On Social Media For Despicable Act of Going After Pamela Geller’s Children

Daily Beast writer Taylor Lorenz thought it would be a great scoop and a boost to her resume to out the 4 children of Pamela Geller.

Or was that really the motive?

Maybe the motive was that this is a heartless, soulless, sociopathic witch who was jealous of Geller’s children’s fame, fortune and talent, all achieved with no help of their mother?

Who knows? It’s for the readers to decide.

Pamela’s oldest is an extremely successful Instagrammer called “Girl With No Job”(GWNJ) who leveraged this success into a morning talk show for AOL called “Morning Breath.” Her sister co-hosted. The other two sisters are also successful media brands. They all have looks and they all have talent and they did it all on their own.  (I’m deliberately not using their names, just because.)

This writer outed who their mother was which caused people to comb through social media looking for something, anything, to stomp them into dust for the sin of being the daughters of a media figure they hate.

They found tweets that were made when the Morning Breath host was 16 years-old. Funny tweets, in my estimation, that are being called “beyond the pale!!!”

The coverage of this is really pissing me off. Every article, including Fox’s, has characterized Pamela as ANTI-MUSLIM.

Pamela is counter-jihad. She is anti-terrorist. Get the story right. Does Fox mix up the terms illegal immigrant and legal immigrant?

But what pisses me off even more is that this Taylor Lorenz jerk has now put four American women in danger from “the religion of peace.” Am I being hyperbolic? I dunno, let’s ask Pamela. She was supposed to be gunned down in a hail of bullets by two jihadists in Garland, Texas, but, oddly, a slow bullet from a service revolver took out the two peaceful jihadists sporting ASSAULT RIFLES. (Hello Lawrence O’Donnell.)

She was also the target of a beheading plot. This jihadist was convicted and sent to prison.

Are these threats real?

We’re asking you, Taylor Lorenz. Are they real?

For the record, Lorenz is getting excoriated on Twitter from everyone, left or right.

A congressman from Georgia has called her out for putting lives in danger.

ht/ Joe 6 Pak






24 Comments on Writer Taylor Lorenz Getting Crucified On Social Media For Despicable Act of Going After Pamela Geller’s Children

  1. We used to have Big Business, Big Government, Big Oil for bad guys. Right now we have what might be worse than all of them, BIG INTERNET! And this little pig is a symptom of that. A non stop attempt to destroy everything they disagree with.

  2. so … if you are ‘anti-muslim’ you must be …. ‘pro-enlightened’?
    … ‘pro-feminist’? … ‘pro-humanitarian’? … ‘pro-civilized’? …

    God protect those that defend … & curse those that work in the name of Evil

  3. What a skank! Haven’t I heard that name before? It seems like she was involved in some other high school type dumb editorial a bit ago that she got trashed for.
    P.S. Her face looks like it was spherized in photoshop.

  4. This is an effort to silence all of us, not just Pam and not just her daughters, but a blatant attempt to scare any and all of us into silence by implicitly threatening our children if we publicly commit wrong speak.
    I will stop now before I say something impertinent.

    PS: WOW! I can edit as an anon!
    Awesome 👏

  5. Psst! – I hear that Taylor Lorenz is secretly an extremely anti-Islamic Jew who draws perverted pictures of Muhammad having naked gay sex with unveiled transvestites
    while eating a ham sandwich.

    Pass it on.

  6. Read the twitter posts.
    Understand this: they hate you. They. Really. Fucking. Hate. You.
    This is not something up for discussion or reasonable discourse. Taking the all of everything you have will not satiate them. They want to destroy you and all you know, love and care for.
    This is not a game. This is not a “we’ll get them next time” situation. Understand this. Accept this. Embrace this.
    They. Want. You. Dead.
    Consign your soul to God. Harden your heart. There are no second place trophies.

  7. Pam Geller is among the top resources the world has in understanding and countering jihad. She must be protected as surely as Lady Liberty must be protected as well.

    Go Bad_Brad!

  8. So she decided that joining the mob was the most expedient move? Looking at her tweets, she’s quite gleeful about this.

    This is of the same bent of Lasner and Goldstein – the two darlings who were tossed off the plane for harrasing Ivanka Trump, Jaren Kushner and their three children shortly after the election – only with a megaphone. How dare any of Pam’s children have lives of their own. May Lorenz come to experience the same burnnnn them treatment she’s so freely spinning up.

  9. I know that Charles Dickens has a slightly different message in mind when he wrote, in “A Christmas Carol”, about the ragged children, “Want” and “Ignorance.” But of the two, he made a specific warning about Ignorance.

    “This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.”

    When I read anything today resulting from ignorance — whether it is authentic ignorance or the lie’s willfully ignorant step-son — I think of Dickens’ understanding of its threat to all humanity.

    This woman is a weak vessel filled with envy and hatred masquerading as good. I’m grateful that so many have seen through her.

  10. What part of you will be the first ones raped repeatedly, tortured, sold man to man, thrown off a roof, beheaded don’t these morons get? but the worst ones in all this is barry fing obama and his herd of progressive lemmings for promoting their bogus ‘islamophobia’ schtick which they trot out every time some mooslim goes ape shit and kills a bunch of unbelievers or someone like Pam dares point out the truth about islam? it even goes back to that troll, george w. bush, and his hearts and minds bullshit, shielding the Saudis and making excuses for islam as it is laid out in the koran. lying about evil to mentally ill self dramatizing useful idiots like this. for decades.

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