WWI Memorial Design for D.C. Chosen – IOTW Report

WWI Memorial Design for D.C. Chosen

The National Mall has memorials for all the major U.S. conflicts of the 20th Century, except The First World War.



On Tuesday, the World War I Centennial Commission announced they had chosen “The Weight of Sacrifice” as the final design for the memorial. It will cost and estimated $35 million and must be entirely privately funded.



17 Comments on WWI Memorial Design for D.C. Chosen

  1. They should have placed it on The Mall, as with the others (where the tourists are…where they will find it).

    It’s “replacing” Pershing Park (a great little place to go ice skating and catch some shade in the summer.

    And, yes, the wall (so-called “modern” design) sucks. No creativity.

  2. I believe there are rules about monuments added to the National Mall and within sight of it, that requires them to be low and not disturb the landscape, so they end up doing mounds and walls.

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