Yeesh – Ben Carson Admits He Made Up Story In His Autobiography About Getting Scholarship To West Point – (UPDATE: Not So Fast – Ben Shapiro Weighs In. Politiho Still Whoring for the Left) – IOTW Report

Yeesh – Ben Carson Admits He Made Up Story In His Autobiography About Getting Scholarship To West Point – (UPDATE: Not So Fast – Ben Shapiro Weighs In. Politiho Still Whoring for the Left)

UPDATE by Czar of Defenestration

Did Carson Lie??? Perhaps not.

It seems it is Poltiho that is doing the lying.


Not good news for camp Carson. He had to admit that he fabricated a story about going to a dinner with General Westmoreland and receiving a scholarship to West Point.

38 Comments on Yeesh – Ben Carson Admits He Made Up Story In His Autobiography About Getting Scholarship To West Point – (UPDATE: Not So Fast – Ben Shapiro Weighs In. Politiho Still Whoring for the Left)

  1. Careful. The Daily Wire does a good job of showing that this is nothing but a hit job. Carson merely said that when meeting with General Westmoreland, the General told him he could attend West Point for free if he wanted to, but Carson didn’t want to go into military service, but in medicine so he never pursued West Point and went to Yale instead.

    He never claimed to have applied to West Point.

    Don’t fall for another hit job. The Left is doing enough to devour Republican candidates. Let’s not join in.

  2. It would take a week to list all the lies about Obama in his fake autobiographies and to uncover all the shit the media is covering up for him. That boy is one bad nizzle, fo’ shizzle.

  3. Hi tech lynching. Hillary admitted to the incompetence that killed 4 in Benghazi, she is still the head loozer in the coruptocrat field.

    “The campaign never ‘admitted to anything,’” a spokesman for Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson told The Daily Caller News Foundation in response to a hit by Politico claiming his campaign admitted to “fabricating” a key point about his West Point story.

    Ain’t nobody getting off the plantation if the MSM has anything to say about it.

  4. It astounds me how readily we are to accept things like this as fact. We know how these assholes operate. We know they want to destroy Carson because polls show him beating Hillary handily. I’m not a Carson supporter. I like Cruz. But these kind of bullshit smears have to stop.

  5. “Barry Bennett confessed to POLITICO that the story was a fabrication.”

    Here is his “confession, in full:

    ““Dr. Carson was the top ROTC student in the City of Detroit,” he wrote in an email. “In that role he was invited to meet General Westmoreland. He believes it was at a banquet. He can’t remember with specificity their brief conversation but it centered around Dr. Carson’s performance as ROTC City Executive Officer.”

    “He was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors. They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission.”

  6. Are you saying that the truth somehow doesn’t matter to the LSM? It won’t matter to the people who aren’t following this story….all they know is that Carson lied and from that point alone, it’s going to be “stick a fork in him”.

  7. Would that not be a totally stupid move by the RNC though? There’s two other “out siders” for people to get behind Carly and Trump. The submarine Carson and Trumps numbers go through the roof. I would think they would want Carson in as long as possible to split the vote. But then again we are talking about the RNC.

  8. It happens. My son was accepted into the naval academy. Needed an appointment. We met with congressman for appointment and he said he only can have 5 in at a time and said you better be sure you stay in or i’ll lose/waste an appointment, think about it and get back to me. My son thought about it and because he had a semester in at another university, he decided he didn’t want to start over……. So in his senior year he enlisted in the Navy officer program graduated and went to OCS and is now a LTCMDR. Could have had a free education that I didn’t have to pay for!!!!!!!

  9. You’re right Dianny.
    But it’s not ‘us’ who’s falling for it.
    It’s the lofo, head in the sand, under 50 conservatives who don’t take the time to research anything! I have 2 of them who are so busy with their kids busy lives that they haven’t stopped to draw a soul-cleansing breath for months!
    You tell them the truth about the crap seeping out of our illusterious media’s mouths and they look at you like your nuts. i don’t remember being like that but when we were their age it didn’t seem as bad. Yep! Right.

  10. Imagine if Trump and Carson collaborated to make Politico commit the unforced error !

    Out them as Clinton shills– it was Carson who out-polled Hitlery, perhaps the reason prompting them to assault him.

  11. Surprisingly, I don’t think this attack by the left will effect Carson’s campaign. Even if the left keeps digging – and they will, it may just emboldened his support. Carson is not letting the leftist media get away with their lies as proved in this interview; .
    This is only one part of an intense CNN interview. It’s best to watch th whole thing.

  12. If you talk to a representative of a company, and they say you’d be a great fit and that you should apply and then you described that conversation as a “job offer”, no one would call you a liar just because you didn’t formally submit a resume and cover letter to the company.

    So when Carson, a top JROTC student in Detroit at the time, is told that he would be welcome at West Point by General Westmoreland and representatives from West Point, a place where all cadets are on scholarship, it’s reasonable that he call that a “scholarship offer” in recollection, since it is almost a certainty that he would’ve been accepted to West Point if he went through the formal appointment process with his US representative or one of his state’s US senators.

    Meanwhile, Hillary claiming she dodged sniper fire in Kosovo is just a “reasonable mis-recollection” on her part even though actual video evidence shows her to be either completely delusional or completely full of shit.

  13. Carson has NO reason to lie about ANYTHING.

    The Agitation-Propaganda arm of National and Inter-National Socialism (the media) has every reason to lie about EVERYTHING.

    These duplicitous purveyors of perfidy must be excised from the body politic.
    From America.
    From Earth.

    Why do we allow them to exist?

    “Thou shalt not bear false witness.”

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