Yes, Little Blue Bird of Progressivism, Fly Away – IOTW Report

Yes, Little Blue Bird of Progressivism, Fly Away

Bluexit is what this Kevin Baker calls it in “The New Republic.”
Liberal states simply going their own way.  No shooting, no yelling, just “uncoupling” from the red states to take “New Federalism” to the extreme.

He seems to think we’d miss them and would be worse off when they go pursue open borders, high speed rail, living wages and universal incomes for all while shutting down the extractive industries in exchange for renewables and saving the habitat of some endangered insect or minnow.


42 Comments on Yes, Little Blue Bird of Progressivism, Fly Away

  1. That map is a deliberate distortion of the electoral map, using states, as opposed to counties. For instance, Virginia may appear to be a blue state but it is not. The DC government complex runs roughshod over the state and Northern VA (aka Federal employees and the deep state complex) cancels out the rest of the state.

    California and Illinois are pretty red, too, except for the aberrent big city messes of Chicago, SF, LA and Hollywood.

    Redraw your map and we can talk. You’re a littler bird than you think.

  2. “For more than 80 years now, we—the residents of what some people like to call Blue America, but which I prefer to think of as the United States of We Pay Our Own Damn Way—have shelled out far more in federal tax monies than we took in.”

    Here’s the fly in their ointment. Once those states leave their businesses will no longer be eligible for military contracts. 60 billion dollars worth of Federal Spending. Military prime contractors will be force to pick up and leave for a state that’s still in the union taking their tax dollars with them. Point this out to a liberal and watch their head explode.
    It’s all fun and games until one of your dams break.

  3. I stopped reading when I got to the part describing “…the personal integrity, wit, eloquence, and thoroughly lovable family of Barack Obama…”.

    For some reason I felt nauseous and had to go to the bathroom. I’m sure it was just a coincidence.

  4. If they want to be sure I miss them all the time, they’ll need to stay over a mile away out of my line of sight.

    I’m not practiced over 1/2 mile but I might hit them any way. Eventually.

  5. Don’t lump all of Nevada as blue. Loose Clark County and the City of Reno and I think you will see that we are very red. I believe that we should break that down to voting districts to get a more accurate picture. Washoe County went blue only because we have Reno.

  6. The last time the Democrats tried to secede, the Republicans came in and stomped them into the ground. Let a new Grant march not through Richmond but through Sacramento.

  7. I predict a flood of refugees from the blue states because some of them are smart enough to know there is no blue utopia to be created. Just stay out of Texas-we are full up here.

  8. Withdraw all military equipment, close all bases, remove all military arms and ammunition, relocate all personnel who still want to be in the union. Given them 40 days to outlaw guns for themselves then simply walk back in an begin Reconstruction. It what these self hating people really want. Not to have admit that Socialism always fails, to get a restart and to blame it on the people stuck with having to keep time all from starving after we put huge tariffs in place and suck all the industrious people out.

  9. Currently Jerry Brown is asking for a 52% escalation in gas tax for “Transportation”. It not going to road repair, our roads suck, he has it earmarked for more mass transit. There’s another group of lawmakers that also want an increase of gas tax, can’t remember what that ones for. Brown want to tax Diesel at an additional .28 cent a gallon. Anybody with half a brain knows where that increase will eventually show up. Today there’s some female Hispanic law maker that wants to increase alcohol tax to pay for tampons and diapers for immigrants. The libs here hold a super majority so they will get what they ask for. A can of Copenhagen costs me $6.02 here. In Nevada it’s a little over $2.00.
    There’s a lot of large congressional districts that are populated by poor, poorly educated people that vote for people just as stupid as them. And now they’re in control. Just take Maxine Waters as an example but on a state level. That’s one reason the Electoral College needs to be protected at all costs.

  10. Didn’t have to get too far into it to see he is “other-izing and demonizing” everyone not like him.

    Everyone else is a taker while he and his ilk are the producers of the world – and so awesomely enlightened and know better than everyone else!

    He is cultivating the mindset it takes to commit deadly acts on others.

    If you are seen as an existential threat – then it justifies physically attacking you.

    It’ll still be a short war if it comes to shooting. Narcissistic moron.

  11. If they were to secede with no hitch they’d be invaded/taken over by Mexico, China, and Russia respectively within a short time. The Union is not for nothing. Once taken over by other powers their people would have no self-government to speak of. They would be another Lost Cause. Because of stupidity.

  12. Every Leftist I meet is immediately recognizable by their smug smirking overconfidence in their imaginary superiority and self-importance.

    They always seem happily delusional that their super-human IQs are off the charts, easily 250+.
    Yet I see nothing in their lives to suggest they’re even barely dull-average.

    That’s a personality stage most normal people outgrow in early adolescence.
    Leftists do not, or cannot, and that cognitive dissonance warps every aspect of their lives.

    And explains the appeal of Leftism to the half-bright and the almost-clever.

    Mental and developmental disorder.

  13. @BadBrad. How much more will you tolerate before you exit or run for office? Complaining is getting you nowhere. Fix it. Or zip it about the horrors of the golden shower state.

    Mostly kidding. Kind of not kidding. You are in an abusive relationship.

  14. Reading BB’s post just gave me a great idea. Most people, in whatever state they live in, have no idea what their state politician are doing. They hear sound bites from the local news, and trust that things are going as they should be. When in fact, these elected politicians are stabbing their constituents in the back for their own personal gain.

    It would be nice to have a website for each state that gives correct information on bills up for vote and which politicians support it, who proposed it – and notifying the general public of meetings and agendas taking place to get it passed.

    Pretty much all of this bill making BS that continuously eats away at our civilization is taking place under the cover of “darkness.”

  15. Brad, Lazlo used to live in CA.
    In ‘Hollywood; the city where I wish I could’
    Breaks my heart that that most beautiful land is drowning in Liberal Nonsense when most of the state is actually conservative.
    I learned how to camp and backpack in the Sierras, and built my first friction fire up near the Minarets at Lake Ediza
    I wish that aliens would come down and promise Liberals transport to a planet where they can start this new society.
    I for one, would love the old California back. I would move back there in a second.
    Never stop complaining about the way the assholes are crapping on that beautiful place.
    Silence is acquiescence.

  16. Poor Lazlo,

    The problem is I live in Northern California. Our county went overwhelmingly for Trump. There’s nothing anybody here can do to effect the balance of the state. My comment above was more of a reflection of the liberal mind set. Not necessarily a reflection of conditions in California. Never give a Lib an even break.

  17. @Bad Brad. In no way consider my comments to be a personal assault. I meant no harm. I suspect we’re twin brothers.

    But I did some heavy lifting and driving and representing and some late hours for Dave Brat and I wasn’t the only one. Retail politics works.

    Change starts at the local level. It starts at home. Get busy and California can be saved, brother. Hard work and a steep uphill climb. I get that. Let me know how I can help. We’re all in this together.

  18. Another Liberal fantasy. It’s all they have. Just like the “revolution” they claim to crave so much. They would scatter like roaches at the first sound of gunfire. They would wilt during the first charge when the body next to them was hit. There would be a retreat to the keyboard in Grandma’s basement.

    The Detroit passage is total leftist disconnection. Detroilet is what is currently is BECAUSE of LIEberalism. It cannot be saved by it. I live close. I’ve been there many times. I mean in the neighborhoods, the nether regions of the city. The places you shouldn’t be. It is NOT a city on the rise.

  19. @Bad_Brad March 10, 2017 at 4:32 pm

    > There’s a lot of large congressional districts that are populated by poor, poorly educated people that vote for people just as stupid as them. And now they’re in control.


    > That’s one reason the Electoral College needs to be protected at all costs.

    Brilliant! Why address the problem, when accidentally getting a Republican President, once in a while, might throw the wisdom, or at least fear, of neener-neener into them?

  20. @Richard P March 10, 2017 at 4:24 pm

    Those maps are cute. Just like the ones in The Wizard of Oz. And just as meaningful. If every inch of land were arable, if every inch of land were equally arable, those maps would still be useless. The de jure metric is population. A million poop flinging monkeys in a cage the size of a Lincoln, out vote a thousand Lincolns in a cage the size of Illinois, a thousand to one. The de facto metric is wealth. A thousand bleating thousandaires exert less influence that a single millionaire, even if they vote “the bums out.”

  21. “Well … bye …”
    “Don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya …”
    “Goodbye! So Long! Auf Wiedersehen! Farewell!”
    “Au Revoir”
    “Ya gotta go? Really a shame … here’s your hat …”
    “Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish!”

    “For all the good you have done … BEGONE!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  22. PHenry MARCH 10, 2017 AT 5:13 PM @BadBrad. How much more will you tolerate before you exit or run for office? Complaining is getting you nowhere. Fix it. Or zip it about the horrors of the golden shower state.
    Mostly kidding. Kind of not kidding. You are in an abusive relationship.>>>>>>.

    We’re you up agains’t hollywood? A local news media network that lies or omits facts and is totally liberal? A population that is the largest bunch of illegals in the nation? A state gov’t run by anchor babies? Do you border mexico? Liberal judges who rubber stamp every commie proposal the dems can come up with? The biggest enviro groups in the nation? Some of the biggest anti-gun groups in the nation? That’s just some of what we’re up agains’t. It will take a major environmental or economic disaster to fix this mess.

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