Yes or No, Hillary? Which is it? – IOTW Report

Yes or No, Hillary? Which is it?

hillary dummy

Clinton Openly Considers Raising Taxes On Incomes Above $120,000.

16 Comments on Yes or No, Hillary? Which is it?

  1. She’s no more a “progressive” than Trotsky.

    “Progressive” is another euphemism which means “socialist” for socialists who want to further disguise their aims and confound their befuddled disciples.

    What she’s actually trying to impart to her stooges and sycophants, is that when Plan A fails she’ll have no problem implementing Plan B.

  2. We’ve all heard that song before. Obama said the same then broke that promise his first full day in office, followed by the largest tax increase in human history (Obamacare) about a year later. Yet, the fools will believe it again. Shame on them.

  3. All Democrats are pathological liars. And liars tell so many lies in a non-stop shitdrivel that they cain’t keep track of their lies.

  4. According to Salon, Hillary can’t beat Bernie, and the Bernster tromps Trump!

    I may be drinkin’, but I ain’t shittin’!

    Cheers, and God bless CONSERVATIVES, the last line of defense against MORONICISM!

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