Yes, We Absolutely Should Impeach President Biden – IOTW Report

Yes, We Absolutely Should Impeach President Biden


Democrats shouldn’t have dished it out if they couldn’t take it. As it appears more likely that Republicans will retake the House of Representatives and possibly the Senate, discussions of impeaching President Joe Biden are becoming more prevalent on the right. However, not everyone is keen on the idea.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) recently warned against impeaching President Biden when they retake the House. As calls for Biden’s impeachment are increasing on the right, it appears the lawmaker is signaling that he would not lend his support to such an endeavor.

He might want to rethink this one.

During a conversation with Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo, McCarthy declared House Republicans would hold the Biden administration “accountable” and that if the slew of investigations they plan to launch turns up something actionable, they could impeach. However, he was hesitant to fully support such an initiative. He said, “One thing we learned that the Democrats did is they – they used impeachment for political reasons.”

“We believe in the rule of law,” McCarthy continued. “We’re not going to pick and choose just because somebody has power. We’re going to uphold the law. At any time, if someone breaks the law and the ramification becomes impeachment, we would move towards that. But we’re not going to use it for political purposes.” READ MORE

24 Comments on Yes, We Absolutely Should Impeach President Biden

  1. If the Republicans re-take the House and the Senate (and I believe they will) Jackass Joe, the Grinning Imbecile and Afghanistan Military Exspurt, will cut and run… as in resign!

  2. Not that I have any confidence in voting anymore, but if I did, no Republican running for the House who won’t sign their name in blood to not vote for McCarthy should get one single vote. The same for the Senate side and McConnell.

  3. “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has it’s limitations.” ~ A. Einstein

    I would replace the word “stupidity” with “foolishness” and apply it to the GOP. And besides, there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between them and Democrats. I didn’t think any congressional leader could be worse than that party traitor, Paul Ryan. It’s painfully obvious there are just as many on the Right as the Left who blindly vote party.

    Far better to be a MAGAcrat.

  4. “McCarthy is riding the fence on this one. He is not backing the impeachment idea, but he has not fully closed the door on it either. One would almost think he’s a politician or something.” — Or a RINO

    nco77: Republicans could always refuse to confirm Kamala’s nominee for Veep, meaning the Speaker would be next in line. Hopefully he would not have a horn sticking out oh his face.

  5. For 5 DECADES now, it is Us v Them. Not talking donkey vs elephant, or red v blue, or D v R, or any other childish nonsense.

    The war on The People has been waged by our government. They have even used foreign interests against us. They are self-serving and largely LAWLESS. McCarthy is a lying weasel, as is McConnell and Pence and Barasso and (-fill-in-the-blank-) and was Ryan and Boehener and Issa etc etc ad infin.

    Trump was right on almost everything because he knew one important thing: they hated him (the RINOs can’t even hide it) BECAUSE THEY HATE US.

    So FORGET for good the right/left deceit. The war is to clean the stables of ALL career politicians–they believe lying goes with the territory. Keep the sewage moving. Vote out ALL incumbents.

  6. “But we’re not going to use it for political purposes.”

    Impeachment is a political process, asshole. It is NOT judicial.
    Lying, hypocritical, sack of monkey shit.

    Just his way of declaring that he will do absolutely nothing to stop the traitors from tearing this country apart.

    Thanks, asshole.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I believe he’s putting out his disclaimer. The Democrats weaponized impeachment for political purposes. Fake reasons intended to smear and sway low information voters and change votes. He wants to make it clear when the Republicans use it, it will be because actual impeachable laws were broken. Republicans need to wake up do their jobs and get this right, a lot depends on it. If they do the investigations right I believe they will find everything they need to take Joe and other family members down.

  8. @Not me, look in the mirror. Do you see a Cheney?

    I suppose you view all the Covid lies as a wash. Afterall, we printed trillion$ …so it cost us nothing to stop the Economy on communist lies. How much treason should be acceptable?

  9. If the Republicans do retake the House and Senate, then they will do absolutely nothing. In my 61 years of witnessing the corruption oozing out of D.C., I note that every time the Republicans have had an opportunity for a majority over the Democrats, they always talked big about what would happen when they had the power, yet when they actually had power, they did exactly shit. It’s always been this way, and this time is no different.

  10. We are the voice of reason. We would never use a tool like impeachment just because. Why do we play by a different rule book? Worse, we actually have evidence, but we don’t want to look petty.

  11. I get what McCarthy is trying to say. Half of all the impeachments that have ever occurred in the nearly 250 years of our nation’s existence occurred within the last five years when politics was more polarized than ever before. None of them have resulted in the actual removal of the president from office. While it’s intended purpose is sound, impeachment has not had a good track record of accomplishing anything of substance. 25A will have a better chance of success in this situation, and should be pursued first. Present the Democrats with this choice: he can be removed from office due to health concerns, or we can have an impeachment, which will force you and your party to defend an administration that has evidence coming out against it every day — he may not be removed from office, but because of your support, you could be.

  12. If you impeach this idiot he will be replaced by another idiot and leave an open slot for an unknown. They will try and fail with Hillary. If we gain control of the legislative bodies I think we’re better off shutting him down at every turn. Every time this senile old fool gets in front of a camera it promotes our cause.

  13. Kev is a “Bush Republican”. GWB loves Joe! 11/4/20 he congratulated Joe “on his win”! Date is VERY IMPORTANT!

    At that time only Fox had declared Joe winner. Most felt the election “was still in doubt”!


    When did GWB congratulate the 2016 winner?

    If GOPtakes House and Kev is still “leader” Joe is home free! Bush likes Joe; so Kev will protect Joe!

  14. That would mean Kamala becoming president.
    And if that happened you can bet she would have either Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton as her vice president.
    This is a disaster even worse than Joe Biden being “elected” to be president.

  15. I don’t want Biden impeached, either. Not unless you can impeach the whole Biden administration. Others have stated that they will just replace him with Cackles and replace her VP slot with Killary or whomever.

    We need to change the Senate and House leadership first. Recall these two idiot RINOs or the incoming Senate and House vote for new leaders.

    Leave Biden to drool in the fake White House and vote down every Dem proposed law. Write laws to prevent Biden from doing anything and have a veto-proof majority.

    Ok, that’s my dream. That’s what should happen. We’ll see what really does happen.


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