Yoga Pants On Parade – IOTW Report

Yoga Pants On Parade


A Rhode Island man wrote a letter to his local editor asking women over 20 to stop wearing yoga pants in public. “To all yoga pant wearers, I struggle with my own physicality as I age,” wrote Alan Sorrentino, 63, in the letter published by the Barrington Times last week. “I don’t want to struggle with yours.”

The response from people in the community was to hold a “yoga pants parade” in front of Mr. Sorrentino’s house, thus demonstrationg for all the world that he had a point.


Gavin McInnes on why so many women (not our readers, of course) are fat, including a very observant comment on the yoga craze Here

29 Comments on Yoga Pants On Parade

  1. I find people that wear their pajamas out in public to shop, fly, eat out etc. ridiculous. So if I write an op-ed and implore people to have some self respect and put on a pair of jeans am I going to cause mass outrage and a pajama parade out front? The guy has a point.

  2. just walked out of store following woman in yoga pants with that muffin top thing going everywhere.

    Gross. Stupid women need to look in full length mirrors once. If you’re 30 pounds overweight, you aint sexy lookin’. Ever.

  3. While I was out shopping a couple of weeks ago, I saw a girl wearing those really thin yoga pants and you could actually see her ass through them – I mean the crack and everything – and she was jiggling along ahead of me. I really wanted to stop her and ask her if she realized she might as well not be wearing anything, cuz you could literally see her ass through those pants.

  4. Ladies, for what it worth, there are many things men should not wear after a certain age either. I firmly believe any man wearing Speedos after age 45, and usually younger should be jailed. Tank tops after you quit a regular work out regime, and probably after 50 anyway.

    I know, many people want to be trendy and/or sexy. But aging is not fair, and gravity is not fair.

  5. Don’t like them because people shouldn’t walk around naked and that is what yoga pants accomplish.

    They are a testament to how classless the women in our society are.

    Had a 25 year old fit, beautiful “lady” sit in front of me at mass a couple weeks ago wearing yoga pants. I don’t need to see a womans vulva, ever, except my wives. Not at church not anywhere.

    There is nothing wrong with modest dress.
    Call me a prude

  6. Yoga?

    That’s like those battery-run hand-held
    “muscle relaxers” that women – ahem – infrequently use to relax muscles.
    (or so I’ve read about in books)

    More like SKANK PANTS.

  7. These women have every right to wear their yoga pants wherever they please.
    And I have every right to be disgusted and very vocal in venting my opinion.

    This was a ridiculous over-reaction. He didn’t make any attempt to force them to forego their garments, he expressed a negative opinion of those who wear them. If they have the right to express their negative opinion of him, and they do, they must respect his right, too. That’s how it works, you jerks.

  8. Geezuz, if this was the reaction to some guy’s letter to the editor it’s a good thing the herd didn’t watch McInnes’s video. They would have burned his place to the ground, beaten him to death and probably eaten him. McInnes makes a few good points though. I’ve been in McD’s for lunch (two small burgers, small fries and a small coke) when the class at the women’s fitness center in the mall let out. They order a quarter with cheese meal and supersize it along with an apple pie. It’s ok though, because it’s a diet coke. Before I get slapped around I’ve seen the same thing from guys as well. Watch his Lindsey Lohan and Islam video, it’s a treat.

  9. Yeah the yoga pants are a scam for, being comfortable. Luckily my wife doesn’t wear them, but she does prove every one of Gavin’s points. I’m so sick and tired of her health and weight bullshit. She’s not obese, but her constant demands upon everyone else’s diet has gotten really old. There’s never any improvement and we throw food out left and right. We buy as a family but eat individually and then have a bunch of special shit that still goes bad!

    The sleeping and laying around doing nothung? My God woman, wtf?

  10. Modern dress, manners, civility, work ethic .. it’s all gone to hell. Wearing yoga pants in public is just the latest milestone on our merry path to perdition. Some garments are for home use only. I still refuse to wear sweat pants in public.

  11. There’s nothing like a man calling out stupid, and the stupid proving him right.

    Some capable photographer should catalog these bikini whales’ photos for their permanent files. “Oh I’m sorry, Mrs So-n-So, we can’t approve your candidacy for Town Council, on account of your pride in your “wide load””. “For the sake of the childrun!”

  12. Wear what you like, but it has to be in YOUR size, and nobody needs to see your actual form and the slightest dimple on your skin. OK? This is why I have a fatwa against Lycra. Lycra is for swimming suits, period.

  13. I wear yoga pants when on long road trips with destination casual. However, this grandma wears a substantial tunic length top or sweater to cover the tummy that is totally inevitable at my age. Great butt is unfortunately covered by the tunic top.

    I know I look good and proper in the above get-up, ’cause once I brought home some pants that DH nixed immediately, and when I saw the mirror, so did I.

  14. I wear a mesh muscle shirt and a banana hammock to work. You don’t like it? You can’t say anything to me because I’m a fag.

    You can’t say anything to fat bastards, either.

    “What’s up, you fat fucking slob?”

    You can’t be offended anymore unless you are a scumsucking Communist cocksucker.

  15. Yoga pants can be a case of TMI. Some people are tacky and gross and should never be allowed in public wearing yoga pants. Not a fan. Even women who are fit look overexposed in yoga pants.

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