You can see the delight on her face – IOTW Report

You can see the delight on her face


27 Comments on You can see the delight on her face

  1. So, what’s it going to take for her to do the perp walk? I think she will see charges brought against her but we will not get the satisfaction of seeing her being led into the courtroom with cuffs on. I really hope I am wrong.

  2. That photo was snapped the moment Huma returned with a big new toy from “Bite the Fruit” on Dupont Circle.

    (Eleanor told Hillary about the store in a dream last year)

  3. The Justice Department will drop the whole thing once she exits the race.

    Then the media will loose all interest (because Trump just insulted somebody!) and Congress will sigh a collective breath of relief that they can get back to their “phony baloney” work on behalf of the people (i.e. their re-election campaigns and fund raising).

    And nothing will change, except the players who get manage the machine.

  4. It took this long to find out that the drive wasn’t wiped? They’ve had that drive for weeks. More than enough time to do the initial forensic work up and to recover the data.

    Then again, they could be endlessly dragging this out to give Hillary many, many sleepless nights. Much like ripping out her fingernails one millimeter at a time.

    Hmmmm. I like this.

  5. That’s what got me, too. Sort of like this…

    “One of The Oldest Tricks in the Book, and very much something the police use all the time in real life. Real police detectives usually hold back specific details of a crime and/or crime scene when making public statements. This has the dual benefits of possibly identifying a suspect and helping separate valid witnesses from useless leads. (Knowing these details may not automatically make someone the guilty party, but it’s a big clue that they were at least present for the crime.)”

    If those involved believe the evidence against them has been destroyed, they may start to behave incautiously or commit themselves to a defense which is easily shredded when the truth is revealed.

    It is also possible in Hillary’s case that investigators are bluffing, and the evidence has really been erased. They may be trying to see where Hillary’s panic mode leads them if she believes she’s busted.

  6. Sig, I said previously, they know what’s on there. They knew all along. This is a charade being played and the only mystery is to us in how exactly Obama wants it to end.

    Now all of a sudden, after weeks of the server being seized by the Fed’s, someone finds Platte River and gets them to drop this on us?? Everything is being timed and choreographed of course, it’s just trying to predict why these demons are doing what they’re doing that’s got people wondering.

    I think Hitlery knows she is finished just like Aloph knew way before he went into the bunker that his Reich was over. But that didn’t stop him, he clung on until the very last moments and blew his brains out. Hitlery is acting in identical fashion, in irrational denial. My only hope is that Bill is present in the bunker with Hitlery when she blows her brains out. (DNA confirmation might not be good enough for him)

  7. SIMPLE:
    Ye Olde “Sword of Damocles” of the DNC/CoC
    over Hillary’s head…to see if
    she’ll step down of her own accord or if
    they have to put Gropin’ Joe in the ring
    and release the documents.

  8. I wonder whether offering that technician immunity had something to do with this particular revelation? Could be a few people got together and thought “fuck this, hope the bitch likes prison time because I’m not doing any for her”.

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