You Can’t Make This Up – Hours After Blocking Section 230 Big Tech Reform Effort, Senate Republicans Complain About Big Tech Censorship – IOTW Report

You Can’t Make This Up – Hours After Blocking Section 230 Big Tech Reform Effort, Senate Republicans Complain About Big Tech Censorship


It is difficult to imagine a more succinct assembly of arrogant jerks than gathers within the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).  In this example today the Senate Republicans voted to override the veto of President Trump and rebuke his request to include legislative reform to address Big Tech censorship reform known as Section 230.

Literally within moments of their veto and Section.230 rebuke, the same NRSC is on their social media account complaining about Big Tech censorship: more

15 Comments on You Can’t Make This Up – Hours After Blocking Section 230 Big Tech Reform Effort, Senate Republicans Complain About Big Tech Censorship

  1. I see that my two republican’t senators voted to override Trump’s veto.

    Lamar Alexander is a lame duck RINO, and his vote is no surprise. Marsha Blackburn is a cocktail party, status seeking, conservative FRAUD. She’s as fake as they get.

  2. This is the Republican party at its best/worst – they want to show how “conservative” they are to get donations, but when push comes to shove the RINO always breaks through.

  3. After Blocking Section 230 Big Tech Reform Effort, Senate Republicans Complain About Big Tech Censorship
    Sort of like crapping your pants and then complaining that they’re full of shit.

  4. Anon 9:28pm,
    Even that isn’t always a good judgement call. Trump endorsed Mittens (koff! R koff! Utah), and look how well Mittens turned out.

  5. Proves what I’ve said many times the last 60 years (not here) THE MOST LIBERAL FOLK IN THE SWAMP ARE LIARS THAT SAY “I’M A COMPASsIONATE CONSERVATIVE”.!

    The UNIPARTY for 31 years has only cared about the UNIPARTY. Still only care about THE UNIPARTY; and will never care about Americans!



  6. We need a whole new party. Scrap this crap. Abolish ANY sort of corporate election financial assistance. Everyone plays with the same cards… this is the only way to survive.

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