Young Girl Paralyzes Herself Doing Back Bend in Living Room – IOTW Report

Young Girl Paralyzes Herself Doing Back Bend in Living Room



a simple gymnastics move she’d done dozens of times before—pushing herself off the ground in a backbend position—and complained that her legs and hip hurt, her mother hugged her and told her to calm down.

A half-hour later Eden’s face changed; she said she felt like her legs had fallen asleep and she was unable to move them. That was on Dec. 23; the 5-year-old would go on to spend the next 52 days in the hospital, where doctors discovered she had hyperextended her spine and caused the artery that feeds her spinal cord to stop pumping blood, causing a stroke in her spinal cord and paralyzing her from the waist down.



19 Comments on Young Girl Paralyzes Herself Doing Back Bend in Living Room

  1. I have a friend who loves to dance and she was out dancing with her husband one evening and the next day she couldn’t get out of bed. She’s been in severe pain in her back ever since. She now has a morphine pump in her back and she’s become a drug addict. She still has limited mobility. Read about a woman falling out of a hammock and paralyzing herself. WTH! Simple stuff turns into a disaster. My nieces daughter does the back flipping thing – I’ll send her this article. Feeling sadly for all.

  2. It scares the heck out of me to see what some of these young kids are doing in dance and gymnastics, trampolines I don’t like much either. Poor little girl and her family.

  3. Sometimes simple things cause a serious injury.

    Several years ago a friend, 30ish, very slim built active outdoorsman type, was working on a computer tower at work. He stood and stepped back onto a wet floor the housekeeper had just mopped behind him. He slipped and landed on his rear end, on his tailbone. Shook it off and went home.

    The next morning he could barely get out of bed. Spend weeks in the hospital and has to walk with a cane. The fall damaged something in his lower back.

    So when you see those sandwich boards that saw caution wet floor. Pay attention & walk carefully.

    It’s terrible that this happened to this energetic little girl. Eden.

  4. I used to do back bends all the time until I got too old and inflexible. Never gave it a thought. She was just doing what kids do. Poor kid. I too hope there is healing in her future.

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