Your Privacy Gone – IOTW Report

Your Privacy Gone

DATA HEIST // Your Privacy Gone.
FBI Director Wray answers questions from Senator Josh Hawley on the data privacy of US citizens. President Trump calls for retention letters on data with future lawsuits in mind. Tore Says and her listeners join him in sending their own preservation letters. We remember back to January 6 as Bank of America customers at Washington DC and sent data to the FBI.

11 Comments on Your Privacy Gone

  1. @Txn4Evr DECEMBER 31, 2022 AT 10:30 AM

    They are watching everything that is said here and on other sites like this as well. They are also monitoring your email and sms messages. They have been since Bush, and it expanded under Obama.

  2. So basically, if someone at the bank doesn’t like you or your politics, they can give the feds your information, make like miserable for you, and they are protected from liability? Did I get that right?

  3. Wray: “I’d be happy to look into it and see if there’s more information we can provide.”

    What a piece of shit. This guy needs to see the inside of a prison for the rest of his life.

  4. Well, it seems taxpayers who use the internet can be assured none of their electronic communications will be private, the US Constitution be dammed. Why are we waiting to enforce it???

  5. Speaking of lack of privacy, I’ve been reading a lot lately about the push for a Central Bank Digital Currency, probably something we will see this decade. The purpose is crystal clear, to allow the Federal Government to track every single transaction you make; you want that new M&P Shield, they know about it, purchasing too much red meat at the grocers or too much gas for your car, they know about it, making a contribution to a political or religious entity, yep, they will know about that too. Every monetary purchase will be monitored, tracked, and later used against you in some machiavellian fashion. Paper currency will be removed, transacted with a swipe of your phone with some weasily government bureaucrat looking over your shoulder.

  6. @Worker peasant TAX Slave December 31, 2022 at 11:13 am

    > the US Constitution be dammed. Why are we waiting to enforce it???

    What does enforcement of The Constitution of The United States look like?

    This. Look around. This. This is The Constitution of The United States.

    Love it? Don’t you? Patriot? You are a loyal Patriot? Aren’t you?

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