You’re Being Told What To Think About This Trump Ad – IOTW Report

You’re Being Told What To Think About This Trump Ad

Western Journalism said that “even Trump fans (fans????) are calling this a bad idea.”

So, without being told that Trump “fans” don’t like the ad (how have they determined this?) what do you think?

36 Comments on You’re Being Told What To Think About This Trump Ad

  1. It does a good job at making Carson look like he’s deranged, with the music, and his soft-spoken demeanor.
    It’s like the Ice Man Tapes.

    But I’d rather Trump not do attack ads against our own.
    I’ve never been a big “fan” (now the word is appropriate) of primary season attack ads.

  2. If Trump has any serious advisers and if he will listen to them, they need to strongly advise him to stay on message. The message that got him where he is so far:
    1. Close our borders and deport illegals
    2. No Islamic refugees from Syria, Iraq or elsewhere
    3. Make America Great, Again
    Rinse, repeat

  3. Or could be Trump, like the rest of us, is sick of the press not asking the questions that need to be asked. I’m just hard core enough now to say “all’s fair in love and politics.” And that goes for Trump, too. I didn’t know, for example, that Carson was Seventh Day Adventist. Does that make a big difference? Maybe, maybe not, but it’s one more data point that informs my thinking about a candidate. Just as I believe Trump is a nominal Christian, and I don’t think it’s a good idea for him to talk about his Bible and then swear. But it’s something I’ve been doing more and more lately myself. (And have repented with resolve.)

    Should he go after Carson on this issue? I think not. He should go after him on his statements about the 2nd A. and immigration. Those are the two issues that go hand in hand, especially this day, following the events in Paris. But the ad is certainly keeping with Trump’s desire to be unpredictable, so I give him points for doing what he said he would do.

    One could make very strong arguments either way on this.

  4. The AD looks kinda stupid to me. And, Trump should lay off this avenue. Not going to going anywhere or help him. Carson’s 2A comments and lack of backbone on illegals are way more of an issue.

  5. If I didn’t know better (and I probably don’t), I’d think Trump was trying to get himself thrown out (so to speak) of the Presidential race so he can get back to doing what he loves best (hint: it ain’t politics). Same as before – announce as a candidate, get a forum for his views, get lotsa publicity, then bail. Maybe I’m wrong, Hope I am. Only time will tell.

  6. School yard taunts of an insecure bully.
    “I’ve always followed my father’s advice: he told me, first to always keep my word and, second, to never insult anybody unintentionally. If I insult you, you can be goddamn sure I intend to. And, third, he told me not to go around looking for trouble. ”
    ― John Wayne

  7. School yard taunts of an insecure bully.
    “I’ve always followed my father’s advice: he told me, first to always keep my word and, second, to never insult anybody unintentionally. If I insult you, you can be goddamn sure I intend to. And, third, he told me not to go around looking for trouble. ”
    ― John Wayne

  8. These tasteless kind of ads while being tasteless are to a degree effective in planting negativity of the opponent in the minds of the viewers. I think it’s childish but I’m sure the Donald is paying good money for what he and his team think best.

  9. I see nothing wrong with the ad. It doesn’t offend me. I don’t know why Carson thought it was a brilliant idea to tell a story that happened long ago. He wrote a book about himself, invited reporters over to see picture after picture of himself and his achievements plastered all over his walls with not an inch of space for a new one. Like Obama, Carson has a big ego. Don’t want people looking into your past, don’t write books about yourself. The knifing part isn’t so worrisome as the part of him wanting to hit his mother over the head with a hammer.

  10. Yep, it hit me hard, that Trump knows something and has a moral obligation to expose what the press doesn’t expose. He is actually vetting Carson.

    However, will the wussy population who cry for help really want a honey badger who eats cobras, a honey badger that has two of his legs tied and bound, or a song bird to help them. The real question is does the pop have the stomach to accept the blood and mess of eating the cobra.

  11. Carsons eye movements and swallowing could be facial “tells”. Eyes glance down, the swallow. I went to a couple websites to see what they said….A lowered head is a negative signal that communicates acceptance of defeat….looking down, that person may not be very comfortable in your presence, or feeling guilty of something. Lowering the eyes is a sign of submission, fear or guilt.

    A person may constantly be trying to lubricate their throat when they lie by swallowing, gulping or clearing their throat. Lying causes their body to increase production of adrenaline, which gets their saliva pumping and then creates very little. While the saliva is surging, the subject might be gulping it down. When the saliva is no longer surging, the subject might be clearing their throat.

    Website also claimed people who sweat profusely (Rubio) are liars. 🙂

  12. Yes, I did. If he was honest about it, it was not wholly without provocation and I apologized. So, now, since he has obliquely told me to GF myself then we are even. All, that is, except his apology. But I’m not expecting one. Magnum fights dishonorably, below the belt. But we all love him anyway!

  13. Trump surges to 42%

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – After a week in which he hosted Saturday Night Live and stood center-stage at a Republican debate, Donald Trump is surging among Republicans likely to cast votes in the party’s presidential primary.

    According to the five-day rolling Reuters/Ipsos presidential poll, Trump has leapt some 17 percentage points among likely Republican voters since Nov. 6, when he was essentially tied with Ben Carson at about 25 percent. Trump now captures 42 percent of those voters while Carson has fallen off slightly.

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