Brunell Donald Takes Down FOX News Elites on Special Report (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Brunell Donald Takes Down FOX News Elites on Special Report (VIDEO)


Black Democrat Brunell Donald-Kyei was a Democrat Lieutenant Governor candidate in Illinois. Then, she was a Bernie supporter. Now, she’s telling the world that Donald Trump is the man to be President.

Tonight she went on Fox and took down an elitist panel including Charles Krauthammer.

Tom Franklin at American Lookout posted the transcript:

Brunell Donald-Kyei:: “We want tougher immigration. To make sure that our borders are safe! That we are not fighting illegal aliens and refugees for jobs! Americans are tired of fighting other people for jobs! That frustration is real. That hurt is real. And for the pols and different people to dismiss that? It’s not right!”

“The most important issue to me is economics. Because the last eight years – the economy – the poor people of this nation have suffered. The middle class has suffered. And let me tell you something: The American people don’t want to be dealing with a President going into office with all the baggage, with all the investigations that are going to be on top of Hillary Clinton.

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10 Comments on Brunell Donald Takes Down FOX News Elites on Special Report (VIDEO)

  1. Stop that black woman. She thinking for herself and that’s not allowed. I’ve heard her several times and she’s awesome. Brett looked like he didn’t know whether to shit or go blind

  2. @Eugenia Certified Deplorable October 27, 2016 at 12:48 am

    > Her statement needs to printed and tacked to every lamp post in every city and town.

    Have you ever tried tacking anything to a lamp post? It’s not nearly as easy as it sounds.

    It’s pretty easy to hang things from the ones with arms, though. You could probably tack whatever message you want to that.

  3. @ Anonymous

    An honest contrary point to your attempt at pedant-ism: The light pole at the end of my driveway is wood soaked in creosote. As are the rest in the neighborhood and a majority of Dallas neighborhoods.

    So many things have been tacked to them over the years, some of them have nothing but bent nails around 4-6 feet off the ground. The city of Dallas passed an ordinance against tacking anything on them. Now when someone posts a yard sale, “will babysit”, etc sign – they get parts sliced off them by city employees so they are unreadable and if there was identifying information you may get a fine.

    So, around here, tacking something on a light pole is not difficult outside of the city making them useless when they run across them. I would suggest tacking them high up out of easy reach if you want them to last longer than a day.

    But, you make a good point on decorating the ones with arms with hanging ornaments.

  4. I’m thinking she is going to quit the Democrat Party soon.

    I’d love to see her in a Cabinet post in a Trump Administration. We’d be confident that we have a smart, forthright leader running whatever Department she’s in charge of.

    Hell, there’s a boatload of Depts that need a shitload of power-washing with bleach – HHS, EPA, Energy, DHS, DOJ, VA, Education – you name it, they’re all filled with bloodsucking Bureaucrat-class assholes looking to do good for themselves at the expense of the American taxpayer.

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