Cruz: Kerry Should Resign – IOTW Report

22 Comments on Cruz: Kerry Should Resign

  1. Big war hero John Kerry. Chased down and shot a wounded viet cong kid who was running away scared.

    Then he gives himself a Purple Heart for a sliver.

    Typical leftist POS looking for his fame.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he joined AlGore in his AGW Jihad.

  2. Secretariat of State Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigolo Goodhair Kerry!
    The easily flummoxed, not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, self-absorbed, flip-flopping, dumbed-down, precognitive Global Warming, metro-sexual meteorologist who is the Politically Correct, designated jihad coddling, Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome (CDS). This gold-digging, future glue-stick lives lavishly off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune and happens to be the most arrogant, condescending coward (hung like a field mouse) that ever occupied the State Department! Placed near (not in) a terrorist situation this disingenuous moron would scratch himself, squeal like a little girl and demand yet another Purple Heart!

  3. The Obama admin is noteworthy for several huge negative accomplishments.

    Among them:
    Obama is worst than Carter.
    Hillary was the worst SoS in America’s history.
    Then Kerry came galloping along to replace her as SoS.
    He might replace her at the bottom spot.
    Or, eww, lay just above her.

  4. …in the long democrat tradition of appointing morons, such as bucket-head Joey Biden, climate-huckster CO2Gore, drooling Bolshevik Bernie Sanders, imbecilic Sheila Jackson Lee, drug-addled Marion Barry, Island-tipping Hank Jackson, shark migration changing Major Owens & the eminently vapid Supreme Court Justice Elaina Kagen…..we get the icing-on-the-cake …..John ‘François’ Kerry….who never saw a rich widow he didn’t like…or a tax-break for his yacht he didn’t pass up.

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