Donald Trump Launches Major Twitter Campaign Ahead of Debates with #BigLeagueTruth – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Launches Major Twitter Campaign Ahead of Debates with #BigLeagueTruth

Breitbart: Donald Trump has launched a social media campaign to help supporters keep the media honest for the next presidential debate with the hashtag #BigLeagueTruth, where supporters can act as a quick response team to debunk false accusations by the Clinton campaign or the moderators and the media.

Supporters can go to the #BigLeagueTruth Team website and sign up to receive and re-post messages from the Trump campaign to counter the left-wing narrative of both the media and the Clinton campaign.

“We cannot count on the rigged MSM to bring the truth to the American people,” the message at the website informs visitors.

“I need you to help me speak directly to the hard-working Americans who want to take our country back,” it continues.

“Join the Big League Truth Team and help fact check Crooked Hillary LIVE during the debates,” the message concludes.

Breitbart spoke to a campaign digital staffer with knowledge of the operation, and he noted that #BigLeagueTruth was a great success with its maiden run during the vice presidential debate.  MORE

4 Comments on Donald Trump Launches Major Twitter Campaign Ahead of Debates with #BigLeagueTruth

  1. ” “We cannot count on the rigged MSM to bring the truth to the American people,” the message at the website informs visitors. ”

    The plan of action that should have been implemented way back in 1968. At least we are starting now!

  2. Yeb! had this tape that he got from his nephew Billy Bush since the primary and would have used it if it came down to him and Trump. But since he was drubbed out with 3% in the polls with zero chance of it making a difference, he did the next best thing, he saved it for Hitlery. He conspired and plotted with the DNC and Team Hitlery and the RINOS, the certain real meaning of that meeting down at the Georgia beach house.

    Yeb! and the traitorous RINOs Mcain, Ryan, Mconnell the pedophile, all were in on it from the get go. After the phony, tepid, weak kneed endorsements of those scumbags for Trump, he did not derail any of their primaries. Then, once they were safe, they knew they would turn on him based on this audio tape and stab the hatchet through his back. They thought it would get rid of him. WRONG. They figured THEY would be the ones to drag Hitlery over the finish line.

    Meanwhile, the scumbag Bush’s, CIA BUSH, Dopey # 2, Yeb! “Fredo I smart too Mikey” Bush, are all exposed for their loyalty to Hitlery and Obama. The Bush daughter in france attending the lesbian house party fund raiser for Hitlery at $ 15,000 a lick.

    I have come to hate the evil Bush scum clan as much as I hate the Clintons, Kennedys, Kerrys etc….

  3. NOW…all Trump needs is a small feed into his ear so he can “fact check” Hillary LIVE during the debate.

    I swear, Trump better come out swinging this time around…
    …the LAST thing we need is another *Romney* performance.

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